Page 103 of Love Me Tender
“Changing my mind is one thing.” He dragged her even closer. “Carving a piece out of my heart is something else entirely.”
“Good thing you have plenty of heart to spare.” She slipped her warm hand around the back of his neck and rested her forehead against his. “I love you, Grant. I might have loved you from the minute you brought me tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich just because you wanted to make me feel better. I know I’ve loved you for much longer than I even realize. And, yes, that statement would start Destiny off on a lecture about fates, stars, and the Milky Way, but this time, I would actually believe her.”
With one more tug, he crushed his mouth against hers. Heat exploded through him. Rory tightened her hand on the back of his neck and parted her lips. He drove his other hand into her hair, deepening the kiss, his greed for her intensifying with every second. A moan escaped her and spilled into him. A thousand feelings surged through his body—love, lust, need.
She broke the kiss first, her eyes darkening. “Can we continue this somewhere else? The edge of the bar is squishing my waist.”
Less than a minute later, they were back at his house and tumbling onto the bed together, lips locked hot and deep. He climbed on top of her, fisting his hands in her hair, unable to get enough of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, arching to rub herself against the growing hardness in his trousers.
All the desire he’d kept pent-up over the past two weeks bolted through him, setting his blood on fire. He devoured her mouth and trailed his lips over her cheek to the soft warmth of her neck. He bit down gently on her collarbone while tugging impatiently at her T-shirt.
With a laugh, Rory hitched the shirt over her head and took off her bra. The sight of her bare breasts sent his lust into a tailspin. He was already so hard it hurt.
“Your turn.” Rory yanked at the zipper on his trousers and pushed them off, her breath catching as she curved her hand around his erection.
Grant managed to get the rest of their clothes off, throwing everything to the floor before descending on her again. Any lingering unease dissolved into the sweet, hot crush of her body against his and the little murmurs emerging from her throat. He slid his lips over her breasts and down her torso, pausing to dip his tongue into her bellybutton. She let out a husky laugh and swept her hand through his hair.
The scent of her filled his head. He urged her thighs apart and continued the downward trek until he found her core.
“Grant.” A gasp stuck in her throat.
Steadying her with his hands on her hips, he pleasured her with his mouth and tongue until she was writhing and moaning beneath him. Using every ounce of self-restraint not to move upward and plunge into her welcoming heat, he kept going until her body began to tense with need.
“Oh my god.” She tightened her hand in his hair and bucked up against him.“Grant.”
“Come on, sweetie.”
One more stroke, and a high, keening cry broke from her. He planted his hands on her belly and soothed her with his tongue as she crested the wave and began to descend. He rose, clambering up her sweat-slick body to kiss her. She reached down to guide him inside her, and he sank into her with a groan of pleasure that shook him to his bones.
Pure desire and instinct took over. He thrust deep at the same instant that she arched up to meet him, their bodies falling into a push-and-pull rhythm that drenched the air with urgency and heat. He never wanted it to end, could have stayed buried inside her forever, but the drive for release took over, and he started moving faster.
With another cry, Rory convulsed around him a second time, her inner vibrations so intense that his own control snapped. He plunged into her and let go with a rough shout, pleasure ripping through him fast and hard. He dropped his head on to her shoulder as the sensations waned, his breath rasping against her damp skin.
“For the record,” she kissed his ear, “I’m really glad you decided to keep me around.”
With a hoarse laugh, he rolled off her and on to his back. “I’m not sure I had a choice. You have a way of sticking around.”
Rory chuckled and turned to curl up against his side. “Well, it’s a good thing I…what the hell is that?”
She sat up, staring in astonishment as a fluffy orange kitten pounced onto the bed and began making its way over the rumpled covers toward Grant.
He frowned. The kitten blinked its big green eyes.
“That’s Button,” he muttered.
“Button?” Rory shook her head with a laugh. “Are you kidding me? Aria talked you into adopting a kitten?”
“No, she didn’t talk me into it.” He threw her a scowl as Button pawed at his leg. “I was at the café one morning, and she gave me a sob story about this kitten who was looking for her forever home.”
“Ah. Theforever homepitch is hard to resist.”
“When I went by the café again later, Button still hadn’t been adopted. I figured cats aren’t that much work, so I brought her home.”
“She’s adorable.” Rory reached for the little fluff-ball.
Button hissed, the fur on her back standing up in little spikes.
“Whoa.” Rory drew back. “She’s territorial, too.”