Page 48 of Love Me Tender
“You’ve got the balcony at home,” Edward remarked.
“I don’t have a view of the redwoods at home.” Joanna gave him a pointed look.
“Sure you don’t want to see the downtown area tonight?” Grant asked.
“Not me.” Edward pulled out his phone and swiped the screen.
“I think we’ll go back to the little cottage and unpack.” Joanna studied a sculpture of a cat holding a flower. “I’m a bit tired, so we’ll get an early night’s sleep and be ready to sightsee in the morning.”
“I’ll get your suitcases from the car.” Grant shot out the door faster than the human bullet.
“Let us know if you need anything.” Rory took Joanna’s arm and guided her outside. “You have my cell number, right?”
“Yes, though I’m surprised you haven’t convinced Grant to get a phone yet. Isn’t that right, Edward? How does he get by without a cell phone?”
Edward grunted. “Won’t last long, with Rory moving up to the Bay Area soon.”
Concern furrowed Joanna’s brow. “How will you and Grant make that work, Rory?”
“We’ll figure it out.” She and Grant would need to come up with a game plan for that fictional scenario, too. She opened the cottage door and ushered them inside.
“It’s freezing in here.” Joanna shivered and huddled into her coat. “What on earth…?”
“I opened the windows to get rid of the cinnamon smell.” Rory hurried to shut and lock the windows against the autumn chill.
Grant set two gigantic suitcases on the bed. “I’ll build a fire, Mom.”
“No, dear, the smoke would be horrible. I’ll just wear my coat.”
“You got one of those coffee-makers in here?” Edward opened a kitchen cabinet, and a loose hinge popped off. The door tilted. With a frown, he shut it. “Better get that fixed.”
“You can have breakfast at Ruby’s Kitchen,” Grant said. “Anything else you need?”
“No, it’s just that we’re used to having coffeebeforewe get ready for the day.” Joanna shivered again and folded her arms. “But we’ll make do.”
“Where’s the TV?” Edward sank down on the narrow sofa and looked around as if expecting the TV to materialize by voice command. “I watch CNN every night before bed.”
“There’s no TV here, Dad.”
“Use your laptop, Edward.” Joanna patted the mattress. “Does this have a cushioned topper? Because, you know, your father has back problems.”
Grant pinched the bridge of his nose. “No topper, Mom.”
“Well, we’ll manage. The bed is a bit small, though.” With a laugh, she walked over and squeezed her husband’s shoulder. “I hope we can fit. It will be like sleeping in a tent, won’t it?”
Rory caught Grant’s eye and jabbed her thumb toward his parents. His mouth compressing, he shook his head.
She frowned and made a frantic gesture to convey:Otherwise, you’ll never hear the end of it, and do you really want to deal with your parents being unhappy for the next week on top of convincing them that we’re a devoted couple? And did you forget about Bali? I’m pretty sure the suites at the resort are a crap ton more luxurious than anything Bliss Cove has to offer, and despite her manipulations, I’ve little doubt your mother would be thrilled to exchange a mattress without a topper for Egyptian cotton sheets and feather pillows.
Apparently Grant got all that because he expelled his breath in a long rush of surrender.
“Mom.” Thin patience stretched his voice. “Why don’t you and Dad sleep in the house? Rory and I will be fine out here.”
“Oh, no, dear.” Joanna shook her head emphatically. “We couldn’t possibly kick you out of your own home.”
“I could,” Edward remarked.
“Really.” Grant twisted his neck, as if it was stiff with tension. “You’ll be much more comfortable in the house.”