Page 54 of Love Me Tender
Grant let out a huff of amusement. “That would make me Hamlet, and both of those characters end up dead.”
“Okay, forget the Shakespeare references.” Rory glanced out the window to where Joanna was delivering another apparently scathing lecture to Edward. “I thought I liked him at first, but my opinion of him has nosedived considerably.”
“He gets that a lot, I’m sure.”
“Your mother is looking in our direction.” Rory edged closer to Grant. “But no one else is, and Liz is behind the counter making a pot of coffee. So for your mother’s benefit, I’m going to kiss your cheek and act like I’m being all consoling and sweet, okay?”
“Go for it.”
She pressed her soft lips to his cheek and tangled her fingers into the hair at his nape. His nose filled with her scent—limes and sugar, now with an added touch of maple syrup. Sweet, indeed. The length of her thigh pressed against his. Her breasts nudged his arm. He felt her long, silky hair on his neck. She was like a cool glass of water pouring over his blistering anger.
“How’m I doing?” She rubbed her lips across his jaw.
“So well that I’m about to get totally inappropriate for a family diner.” He slid his hand over her leg underneath the table and turned his head to kiss her. “Funny thing is, I don’t give a damn.”
Because having Rory at his side was turning out to be his saving grace.
“Let’s go.” She pinched the back of his neck and eased away. “Take the high road.”
He gave a derisive snort. “The high road is like the edge of a cliff. People fall off it.”
“Maybe, but at least they first get to enjoy the view.” She nudged him with her hip. “Come on. We have a whole day of Frick and Frack to deal with.”
After getting out of the booth, Grant turned to face her. “Look, I know this sucks. You don’t have to do this. Go back to the cottage or spend the day with your sisters or something. I’ll tell my parents you have to work.”
She arched an eyebrow. “Do youwantme to leave you alone with them?”
He thumped his chest. “Me brave and strong. Me can go it alone.”
“I know youcan, tough guy.” She narrowed her eyes. “I’m saying you don’t have to. At least if I’m around, it’s two against two. Though I’m beginning to think your mother is more on our side than she’s letting on.”
She pulled on her sweater and tugged her ponytail from the collar. “Besides, the only work I can do is getting up to date on the new projects for Digicore, but I don’t have my desktop available. So, instead, I can devote myself to enjoying your father’s charm.”
“I’d rather you enjoyed my charm.”
“You have charm?”
He kissed her again, hard and swift. The taste of her went straight to his blood. His heart ran around in circles. There might have been internal singing.
When he lifted his head, he hoped his mother hadn’t witnessed the kiss. It was one thing for her to see them pretending. It was another thing entirely for her to see something real.