Page 59 of Love Me Tender
Chapter 13
Rory woke with darkness still pressing against the windows, and Grant’s arm and leg pinning her to the mattress. She breathed in his scent, kissed his shoulder, and poked him in the abs.
“Hey, Rock, let me up. I need to pee.”
He grunted in his sleep and shifted, pulling her closer. Rory’s eyes widened as his erection pushed against her thigh. Apparently he had his own needs. Which she would be more than happy to meet…just not right this second.
She shoved at his arm and wiggled her way out from underneath his muscular bulk. He must work out regularly because a man didn’t get biceps like that from chopping tomatoes.
Pulling on a T-shirt, she padded into the bathroom and used the toilet, pausing at the sink to study herself in the mirror. Her hair was a tousled mess, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes gleamed with a deep, womanly satisfaction that she still felt clear down to her bones.
Fold up that feeling and put it in a little box, Rory Prescott. You’ll want to remember it when you’re back staring at a computer screen in your claustrophobic office cubicle, jacked up on Sour Patch Kids and getting your thrills by making a program work.
In that moment, you’ll remember Grant. His touch. His breath on your neck. Your response to the flick of his tongue. Warm, solid muscles and taut skin. Him inside you. How alive he is.
She shivered. She’d known she would miss his presence in her life. His beingright over there. But deep inside, she suspected that now she would miss him in ways she couldn’t even fully comprehend.
A knock thumped on the bathroom door.
“You in there?” His voice was gruff and scowly.
“Too bad.” The doorknob rattled. “Because I’m coming in, and I have dirty intentions.”
“Oh. Well, in that case, I’m definitely in here.”
She turned as the door opened, her heart jumping at the sight of him—sleep-rumpled, messy hair falling over his forehead, and a feral gleam in his eyes. Not to mention…still more than ready. Though less than five feet of space separated them, he stalked toward her in a thrillingly sexy, purposeful approach.
“Next time…” He grabbed her hips and tugged her toward him. “I want to wake up with you there.”
“Yeah, I noticed you could’ve used me right away.” Her blood heated as she brushed her fingers across his erection.
“Notused.” He slid one hand to the back of her neck. “I could have loved you right away.”
Rory’s breath caught in her throat. Grant brought his mouth down on hers.
“Instead, I’ll do it right now,” he murmured against her lips.
A thousand colors burst through her heart, like fireworks and spiraling rainbows. He eased her back up against the counter, edging one powerful thigh between her legs. She wound her arms around his neck as their kiss deepened and the air grew thick with heat. He lifted her onto the counter, sliding his hands up her thighs and underneath her T-shirt.
She shivered, no longer surprised by how quickly she responded to him. She’d always kept her attraction to him carefully concealed, even from herself, and it was an enormous relief to unlock those feelings and set them free.
Despite his obvious arousal, he was once again in no hurry to rush things. He slowed the pace of their kiss, stroking his hands up and down her thighs until she was panting and wrapping her legs around him in invitation. He eased away from her only long enough to turn on the shower before picking her up and stepping under the spray with her.
It was like being in a shoebox with a bull. Rory laughed as he lowered her to her feet, letting her body slide against his. “No way can we do anything fun in here. I can barely move.”
“You don’t have to.” He licked a drop of water from her nose. “I’ll do all the moving.”
She let him figure out the puzzle of fitting them together. After indulging in more of his slow kissing and caresses that brought her right to the delicious edge, he turned her to face the wall and took her from behind.
The combination of the hot water and his heavy thrusts pushed Rory’s urgency higher every second. She had nothing to grasp to hold herself upright, but she didn’t fear falling because Grant’s grip on her was so tight and secure that she knew on some primal level that he would never let go.
When the waves crashed over her again, he pulled her back against him and used his fingers to ease the final sensations from her body. But this time, before he could give in to his own release, she turned and went down on her knees.
Urging him to completion, watching his gorgeous body tense and contract with pleasure, gave Rory a rich feeling of both power and yielding. As if she was affirming that she could take care of him, when he had always taken care of her.
Even if she hadn’t known that was what he was doing.