Page 63 of Love Me Tender
Chapter 14
“Well, that should be interesting.” Joanna shaded her eyes with her hand as she and Rory watched Grant and Edward trudge toward Grant’s truck with a tackle box, a net, and two fishing rods. “Those two have spent more time together in the past few days than they have in the past three years.”
“It sounds to me like your husband is angry over how this whole rift has affected you.” Rory closed the cottage door, and she and Joanna started walking toward downtown. “That makes it surprising that he criticizes Grant so often and so publicly. He has to know how much that upsets you.”
“Yes, but he’s a bit of a bear, as you’ve noticed.” Joanna slipped on her large sunglasses and sighed. “He lets his anger get the better of him. He also just doesn’t understand it. Why would his eldest son walk away from everything we’ve provided for him? Why would he want to run a restaurant, of all professions? Edward hated being a cook so much. He finds it untenable that Grantchosethat work. He sees it as Grant turning his back on the legacy he intends to leave to both his family and the world.”
Grant sees it as both you and Edward trying to force him into a life he doesn’t want.
Rory bit her tongue on the remark. Sleeping with Grant didn’t give her the right to interfere in his relationship with his parents. It didn’t give her any rights at all, in fact. It didn’t give him any, either. She’d overstayed her time in Bliss Cove, and now that she had a job waiting for her, she wasn’t going to give it up. Not even for him.
“Look at this place.” Joanna stopped in front of Naked. “Handmade organic skincare. Heavens, you can smell the florals all the way out here. Let’s go in.”
“I really don’t…” Rory groaned inwardly as Joanna pulled open the door and swept into the fragrant interior. She followed reluctantly, hoping Madeline wasn’t working.
“Good morning!” Madeline, stunning in a white sweater dress and perfect makeup—how did she do that smoky thing with eyeshadow?—came out from the backroom. “May I help you?”
“Good morning. I’m visiting from San Francisco, and I was passing by.” Joanna peered at the colorful array of bar soaps. “Everything here is organic?”
“Absolutely. Pesticide-free, handmade, ethically sourced, and vegetarian. Oh, hello, Rory. I didn’t see you lurking about back there.” A smile curved her bow-shaped red mouth.
“Morning, Madeline.” Rory picked up a bottle of facial mister and pretended to scrutinize the label.
“How are the Natural Beauty products working out for you?”
“Just fine, thanks.”
“Oh!” Joanna lifted her forefinger as if she’d just had an epiphany. She turned to a shelf of Natural Beauty products. “I thought the labels looked familiar. Rory, is this the lotion you have in the bathroom?”
Madeline blinked. Dread began to pool in Rory’s stomach.
“Uh, I think so.”
“I’m sorry.” Madeline shook her head, as if she couldn’t imagine what association the elegant woman with the Hermès scarf and Prada bag would have with torn-jeans-and-sweatshirt Rory Prescott. “Are you together?”
“I’m Grant Taylor’s mother.” Joanna beamed and set her bag on the front counter. “We’re staying at his house, and I sampled some of the lotion and body wash Rory has in the bathroom. I’d been meaning to ask her where she got them.”
Madeline’s smile turned tight. “Why, Rory. I had no idea you kept your lotions in Grant’s bathroom.”
Rory scratched her head. For the life of her, she couldn’t come up with a single logical explanation for why she would have girly products in the bathroom of one of the most sought-after bachelors in town. The real reason was entirely illogical. And she certainly couldn’t refute the obvious reason in front of Joanna.
She and Grant were no longer pretending with each other, but they hadn’t discussed actually going public. It wasn’t as if they were in a relationship, and Rory didn’t want her mother or sisters to question what the heck she was doing hooking up with Grant for a couple of months. She didn’t want to question herself either.
“There was a cream that contained almond oil and a hint of orange, I believe.” Joanna plucked the cap off a bottle of essential oil and sniffed. “It was nice and light. Do you recall the name?”
“That was our Fresh Skin hydration cream.” Madeline walked to a shelf, her heels clicking, and extended a small pot to Joanna. “We also have it in a shower gel, bath bar, and body conditioner. Would you like some free samples?”
“No need, dear. I’ve already tried them.” Joanna examined the bottles. “I’ll take them all. Can you hold them for pick-up later? Rory and I have more shopping to do.”
“Of course.” Madeline carried the products to the front counter. “I’m so glad Rory has introduced you to our little establishment here.”
As Joanna searched for her credit card, Madeline swept her gaze to Rory. “Grant might be interested in our line of men’s skin care products. You should bring him in sometime.”
“Good to know.” Rory forced a responding smile, deciding that the less she said, the better.
Joanna seemed to take forever paying for her purchases and asking questions about how, exactly, to apply the facial cream. When they finally left Naked, Rory took a deep breath of fresh air and sent up a silent prayer that Madeline would keep this little visit to herself.
Her hope lasted until lunchtime. After an uneventful and rather pleasant few hours shopping, she and Joanna ate at a soup-and-salad restaurant.