Page 72 of Love Me Tender
“Well, then.” He slipped his hand around her nape, heat brewing in his eyes. “Class is in session, Miss Prescott.”
“I’m present and accounted for, Mr. Taylor.”
Their lips met in a lovely kiss that tasted like berries and that felt both familiar and thrillingly new. He eased her back against the sofa cushions, his lips still locked to hers.
Winding her arms around his neck, she stretched out underneath him and hooked her legs around his. She loved the way their bodies fit together, all her curves yielding to the hard planes of his chest and abdomen.
He deepened the kiss, his body tensing. Emotions flooded her, a riotous combination of desire, happiness, and the urgency of knowing that their time together was limited. She parted her lips under his and pulled at his T-shirt with a murmur of impatience.
He eased away from her to shuck off the shirt. His muscles gleamed beautifully in the dim light as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pants and slowly stripped them off her.
Rory had never before been so comfortable, so open, with a man. She knew her level of freedom had everything to do with the way Grant looked at her and touched her as if she were the most incredible person he’d ever encountered. As if he almost couldn’t believe she was real.
When they were both naked, he took his time pleasuring her—skimming his hands over her breasts, trailing his tongue down her body, kissing her from her lips to her bellybutton. She slipped easily under his erotic spell, little gasps and moans breaking from her throat, her hips arching upward with increasing need for him.
Sensations flamed through her blood. She was on the verge of begging when he slipped his hands between her thighs and positioned himself between them. Rory dug her fingers into his biceps, crying out when he sank deep inside her. Every time, their union stunned her with both its power and utter ease, as if they’d been made for each other.
They moved in a slow, rocking rhythm that Rory wanted to last forever. Grant kissed her, licked the hollow of her throat, stroked her breasts and hips. Each touch and thrust pushed her closer and closer to the blissful edge. Gripping him tightly, she convulsed again, gasping his name. He groaned, his muscles flexing as his own body shuddered with release.
Breathing hard, he pressed his forehead to hers. Their eyes locked. Tenderness and an emotion more intense than Rory could articulate passed between them. Her heart beat heavily against his chest. They’d been together for less than a month, and yet she knew she would never have this kind of life with another man. Ever.
He eased to the side, pulling her back against his chest on the narrow sofa. Rory nestled herself against him and closed her eyes. His breath stirred her hair. He circled his arm around her waist and cupped her breast in his hand. His body was a solid wall of heat and muscle behind her.
She had the striking sense that she could do anything—anything—with his strength backing her up.
Her phone buzzed unpleasantly. Grant clamped his arm tighter around her waist. “Do not answer that.”
“What if it’s for you?” She nudged him with her ass and reached for her phone on the coffee table. “People are starting to text me with messages for you. Don’t you think that’s perhaps an indication that it’s really time for you to get a phone?”
“No. I don’t want people to be able to reach me all the time. Tell them to stop bugging you and to call me on my landline like they always have before. Leave a message if I don’t pick up.” He nuzzled her shoulder. “I could be busy, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” She swiped the screen to check the notifications. Her heart stuttered.
Grant stilled. “What’s wrong?”
“Email from the Digicore CEO.” Rory pulled up the full message.
Rory, we got funding in place for the cloud solutions project earlier than expected. Deadline now moved up. Your start date is next Monday. Apartment available in nearby building.
She tossed the phone aside and sat up, her breath escaping in a hard rush. Monday was four days from now.
With a frown, Grant picked up her phone and read the message. “Monday, huh?”
“I knew there was a chance my start date could shift.” She rubbed her chest, where an ache was starting to form. “I told them that was fine, since I was finishing up my contract work, and Mom had already hired Linda to help at the bakery. I figured I’d just be spinning my wheels here until Thanksgiving. But that was before…”
Her voice trailed off. Straightening, Grant slipped his arm around her and pulled her closer. “That was before I knocked your wheels loose and sent you careening off the road.”
Rory smiled, even as sorrow collected in her throat. “Hardly. I think it’s more like you set me rolling on a path I didn’t know existed.”
“Hey.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “You’re moving less than two hours away. I don’t think even the guidebooks consider thatlong distance. I’ll come up every chance I get.”
“Of course. Gotta make sure you’re not subsisting on tube goo and gummy worms. Though now that you have Jacques and Julia on your side, I might not have to worry about that too much. I’ll take a day off and help you move.”
“You don’t have to. I can do it by myself.”
“I know youcan. I’m saying you don’t have to.”