Page 94 of Love Me Tender
Chapter 24
Grant gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white the entire drive to San Francisco. He punched in the code at the security gate and drove toward the circular driveway in front of the spot-lit mansion. Rory had barely said a word on the drive back up, but he sensed her withdrawing as if she were retreating into a shell.
She was reaching her breaking point. There was nothing more he wanted to do than pull her into his arms and let her retreat intohim. He wanted to destroy everyone who had ever hurt her, and he wanted to build a world where she could do everything she wanted and be everything she was.
“Do they know we’re here?” Rory closed the car door, sweeping her gaze over the façade of the house.
“No. The element of surprise is the best approach sometimes. That’s partly how I got my mother to admit that she was involved in the set-up with Vivian.”
He took her arm as they climbed the porch steps and rang the doorbell. The massive door opened to reveal a sour-looking maid. “May I help you?”
“Grant Taylor and Rory Prescott.”
Her eyes widened slightly. “Please come in, Mr. Taylor. Can I take your—”
“We’re fine.” Pressing his hand to Rory’s lower back, he urged her into the plush, antique-filled living room. “Please tell my parents we’re here.”
“Of course, sir.”
She hurried off. Grant took Rory’s jacket and draped it along with his over the back of the sofa. He went to the sidebar and splashed whiskey into two glasses. After handing her one, he took a long swallow. The alcohol was a welcome burn through his cold veins.
“Grant?” Joanna hurried down the sweeping staircase in a bathrobe and slippers, her eyes wide. “What on earth are you doing here? Is everything all right?”
“Everything’s fine, Mom. But we need to talk to you and Dad.”
“Your father is in his study.” She closed her eyes and pressed a hand to her chest. “I almost had a heart attack when Wilma said you were here. What time is it?”
“Close to midnight.” Grant set his glass down. “I’ll get Dad.”
“No, no. I’ll get him.” Joanna waved him to sit down and hurried over to embrace Rory. “Lovely to see you again, dear, but my goodness. Text or call in advance next time, would you? I’d at least have a chance to tell Wilma to prepare refreshments.”
She crossed the marble foyer to a heavy, closed door and entered after a swift knock. A moment later, she emerged with a rumpled Edward, who looked as if he’d been sleeping.
“What are you doing here?” With a scowl, he pulled his glasses from his breast pocket and set them on his nose. “What’s wrong?”
“They need totalkto us.” Joana nudged her husband in the side, her eyes suddenly brightening. “It must be very important if you need to talk to us so urgently in the middle of the night. Edward, pour us a drink.”
With a mumble of irritation, he shuffled to the sidebar to mix a couple of drinks. Joanna perched on the edge of a chair, her eyes slanting surreptitiously to Rory’s left hand.
“So.” She gave a happy little shrug. “What do you need to talk to us about?”
“Did you know that Dad was planning to offer Rory a job at Intellix?” Grant asked.
His mother blinked. Guilt flashed in her eyes for less than a second before she gave him a wide, innocent smile. “Well, isn’t that wonderful? Edward, what a marvelous idea. Rory is a perfect fit for Intellix.”
Grant rubbed the back of his neck. “You didn’t answer the question, Mom.”
“Your father has always trusted me with the details of the business, Grant.” She clasped her hands on her lap and pursed her lips. “Since Rory is your girlfriend, of course I knew that he was hoping to recruit her. Nathan’s division is doing more and more work with cloud platforms and AI, and I know that’s one of Rory’s interests. It’s an excellent idea.”
Grant shifted his gaze to his father. Edward handed Joanna a drink and took a gulp from his own glass.
“When and where did you get the idea, Dad?”
“Ideas come out of everywhere, don’t they?” Joanna lifted her hands and pantomimed plucking ideas from the air. “I wouldn’t be surprised if your father thought of hiring Rory when we first met her at the wedding. He’s no fool, you know. He can spot talent and dedication a mile away.”
“In other words…” Edward arched an eyebrow at his wife. “Your mother suggested it.”
“Why did you do that, Joanna?” Rory gripped her hands together, looking as if she were sensing the approach of a terrible storm. “I mean, I appreciate it, of course, but I don’t understand whynow, of all times.”