Page 14 of Words of Love
Lucky bear.
Letting his breath out slowly, Sam dragged his gaze from her. He took his laptop out of the case and pushed aside the oversized purple blanket on the sofa. Something lumpy was against his back, and he fumbled behind him to dislodge the glittery unicorn pillow.
He tossed the ridiculous thing aside. While his laptop powered up, he took a sheaf of notes and a printed copy of his work-in-progress from his backpack. After spreading the papers out on the coffee table, he scanned the letter from his editor.
Big problem…negative blight overshadowing your reviews…getting to the point where it’s an inside joke among reviewers…weak link in the chain…this needs to be fixed in your WIP.
Irritation clawed up his throat. He tossed the letter aside and pulled up the book on his computer. He scrolled through the manuscript, but with the sounds of Brooke still fidgeting around on the bed right next to him, he couldn’t come up with a single sentence.
With a mutter of frustration, he shut down his laptop and set it on the floor.
She was almost completely buried under a mountain of blankets. Her shiny hair, gleaming in the firelight, spread over the pillows.
Sam stretched out on the sofa, which was both too narrow and too short for him to recline with the slightest bit of comfort. After shifting around, he pulled the coffee table closer, stacked his notes to one side, and used the table to prevent himself from falling off the sofa completely.
He tucked a pillow behind his neck and closed his eyes. Slowly, he faded into a hazy slumber filtered with images of a brown-haired beauty with a smile like—
He jerked awake, blinking to clear the cobwebs from his brain. Pain laced his shoulders and neck. He pushed upright, and his spine snapped into place with a hard crack.
Though the cabin was still warm, the fire had died to embers. He peered at the clock. Close to five a.m. Wind lashed against the windows.
A sudden chill raced through him.
Brooke was gone.