Page 69 of It'll Always Be Her
“Well, I am, but mostly because I don’t really want that scene broadcast on the show.”
“I guarantee that won’t be on the episode. I was going to erase it.”
“So why were you reviewing it?”
She’d have missed the faint shifting in his eyes if she hadn’t been watching for it. “Adam. Replay the footage, please.”
He grudgingly hit the rewind button and started the footage again. Her breath caught at the sight of them kissing.
There was no sound, but she wouldn’t have been able to hear anything past her heartbeat thundering in her ears. Even on the grainy screen, it was clear how swiftly he’d pressed his lips against hers, how eagerly she’d responded, and how he’d held her with such possessive intent.
She swallowed to ease her dry throat. “Who else has seen this?”
He grimaced. “Some of the crew. I threatened them with physical harm if they brought it up to you or spread it around. But they wouldn’t have anyway.”
Though Bee already knew that, she was still embarrassed that they’d seen her behaving in such an unprofessional manner. As if it weren’t bad enough knowing Captain Marcus had seen them live and in person. And that he’d—
Wait a minute.
“There!” She pointed at the left side of the screen, where a seam of light and shadow flickered the instant Adam’s cell phone lit up. “That’s the ghost.”
She expected Adam to laugh. Even to guffaw. Instead, he just looked at the monitor without a response. Not a chuckle. Not even a smile.
Was this the reason he’d hesitated when she’d asked him if he’d found anything “interesting” on the audio or video yet?
“You need to use this footage.” A sudden urgency lit inside her. “I don’t want our kiss broadcast around the world, but you can’t really see our faces, and you have to show the ghost appearing right when your cell phone turns back on. That’sevidence.”
“Evidence of a hoax.” He hit the stop button and leaned back in his chair, rubbing one hand over his face. “Or an anomaly of light. Or a problem with the cameras. We’ve been having trouble with the equipment, so there are probably a hundred glitches like that on the video.”
“Have you found any more?” Bee asked pointedly.
“Not yet.”
“And have you thought aboutwhyyou’re having trouble with the equipment?” She gave him a poke in the arm.
“Bad luck,” Adam muttered.
“Paranormal interference.”
He shot her a glare. “Electrical shortages.”
“Excessive energy fields.” She put her hands on her hips. “How are we going to keep working together when we can’t even agree on the most basic laws of physics?”
Adam laughed. Pleasure skated down her spine as the sound settled inside her.
“Bee Delaney.” Still grinning, he tugged gently on a lock of her hair. “It’s a good thing you’re so cute.”
“Well, if you’ve got it”—she trailed her fingers over his forearm—“haunt it.”
“Feel free to haunt me anytime.” He leaned in to press a swift kiss against her lips before turning back to the cameras. “YouI believe in.”
Bee’s heart stuttered. Though he’d spoken in an almost offhanded way, the statement filled her with pleasure and something that she couldn’t quite define. Adam’s belief—in her—felt like she’d found something she’d lost…or never had in the first place.
Mumbling that she had to get back to work, she left the room and returned to the circulation desk. Puffalump stared at her from his curled-up position on his bed, his tail swishing.
“Oh, no.” Bee shook her head. “I’m not talking to you.”
His whiskers twitched.