Page 94 of It'll Always Be Her
Bee was supposed to be thrilled.
Not only had she and Adam learned about a whole other dimension of Captain Marcus’s life but they’d also uncovered more about Millicent Pepper than even Edith at the Historical Museum knew.
Captain Marcus and Millicent had been in love. He’d built the Gardenia House with the intention of marrying her and having family.
Even though their life together had been cut tragically short, they’d both been instrumental in founding Bliss Cove and making it the town it was today. Millicent had carried on Captain Marcus’s legacy. Because of her, the Gardenia House had become the Bliss Cove Library. And because ofthat, Bee was here.
But despite all the discoveries, she couldn’t rid herself of the unease that had started after the Spooktacular Festival yesterday. Maybe it was because the production was wrapping up, and she knew Adam wouldn’t be coming back to Bliss Cove after he visited his parents. His flight left tomorrow morning.
Their flight.
She was still excited and nervous about going with him—except they would be there until November third, and given what they now knew about Captain Marcus and Millicent, she couldn’t help wondering if she was supposed to be at the Gardenia House on Halloween.
Not that she had any idea what she would even do. And considering it would be a choice between a ghost and the man she was falling in love with…Bee was a believer, but she wasn’t a complete loon. Real life still won over fantasies and the paranormal.
She wedged several picture books into place in the children’s section, then tried to move the other books down a shelf to loosen them up and make them easier to access.
Unfortunately, all of the shelves were jam-packed, and there was no room back here to add more. Which meant she either had to weed books from the collection or store some in the basement.
She returned to the circulation desk and made a note to look at the check-out records to see which picture books were the least popular.
“Uh, Houston?” Jay approached, his face twisted into a slight grimace. He held up a curved section of crown molding. “We were taking the cameras down, and this just, like, fell off the wall. It almost looks like it’s crumbling.”
He showed her the broken edge, which scattered a fine layer of dust onto the carpet.
“Really sorry,” Jay added. “But I swear we were being careful.”
“It’s okay.” Bee took the section from him. One more thing to fix.
“Hey, if you talk to Adam, I’m sure he’ll get the Explorer Channel to cover the repairs.” Jay jerked his thumb toward the conference room. “They have insurance for damages and stuff.”
“I’ll check with him, thanks. Everything else is going okay?”
“Yeah, we’ll have everything out of here by this afternoon.” Jay backed away, indicating the library with both hands. “This has been a super cool shoot. Great food, excellent pastries, and you’ve been really nice. Thanks for all you’ve done.”
Bee smiled. Her complications with Adam aside, she would miss the crew scurrying around and discussing which angle provided the best light and whether or not the EFMs were registering stronger energy in the cupola or the mezzanine.
“Thank you,” she told Jay. “Do you know when the episode will air?”
“Adam said sometime in November, during sweeps week.” Jay gave her a wave and bounded back up the stairs.
Bee put the section of crown molding on her desk and squeezed past the library carts behind the counter. She started toward the conference room. Two male voices came from behind the partially closed door, both rising in anger.
Bee stopped, her stomach tensing. One of the voices was Adam’s, and the other sounded like Clyde Constantine. But what was Clyde doing here before noon? Before seven o’clock even?
“I said no,” Adam said sharply.
“It’s not up to you,” Clyde retorted. “Dan and Kevin have already cleared it. The library is a hoax, and you need to give us your scientific reasons. So write them down so we can shoot the scene.”
Bee’s heart plummeted. Though she knew she shouldn’t be eavesdropping on a private conversation, she couldn’t move.
“I’m directing this episode.” Adam’s tone hardened even more. “Even you know we’ve got some of the best evidence yet on both camera and audio.”
“Since when do you even call it evidence? You’re the damn scientist. You’ve never thought any of it asevidence. So what the hell is wrong with you now?”
“What’s wrong is that you’re screwing Marilyn Lawford, and she put you up to this,” Adam snapped.