Page 14 of The Experience
She snickered. “Yeah, probably planning the birth of your first child.”
“Ha...Ha. I’m not that bad. Besides, this guy already has a woman at home. I actually have a purely sexual relationship.”
“Ooh, scandalous. Are you sure it’s not a wife?”
“I don’t believe so. Still, how can you ever be sure about men and the lies they tell?”
“Excellent point. But let’s say he’s telling the truth, and he’s planning to go back to his girlfriend. Are you going to be okay? This guy only wants to have fun, and you already want more, or you wouldn’t have called me about him.”
“I can only be me, and I know a part of me will be hurt. I’ll worry about my feelings later. I just don’t want to miss out on having fun, and he reminds me that love is possible. He’s made it clear that he’s down for hooking up the rest of the trip as long as I’m down. Kendra, I really need this.”
“You don’t have to convince me. I’m not judging you. Do you. Tell me about him.”
“He’s an engineer at the conference and will let me stay in his crazy-ass expensive suite until Sunday. There’s a private pool just for him and everything. I was supposed to go home tomorrow, but he convinced me to stay so we could have a vacation.”
Kendra whistled. “Nikki, girl. You’re so fucking lucky when it comes to meeting decent men. Do you know how many trips I’ve been on and never met a nice man? I haven’t met anyone worth mentioning since I left Cincinnati four years ago. Ooh...I bet he’s a hottie. Please say he has missing teeth and a combover.”
I chuckled. “First, it’s been years since I met anyone decent, and that was Nico. Second, you’re the one who has had more men than I can count. Whether or not they’re decent was your own choice. And yes, that man is freaking gorgeous.”
“So you calling to gloat, or is there another purpose?”
“Honestly, I missed you and wanted to hear your voice. Tell you I want to come to see you sometime soon and explain the last two years.”
“I’ve been threatening to visit my crazy ma for Labor Day, so I’ll take that trip home in a couple of weeks, and I’ll stay with you instead of her.”
“I would love that. Your parents still barbecue on Labor Day?”
“Only reason for me to deal with her mouth, “ she grunted. “Now that we’ve gotten your guilt out of the way and made plans to see each other, you really called because you don’t know what to wear tonight.”
I laughed aloud. “I missed you so much.”
“Enough of that mushy talk. We have to figure out your fit. You probably have too many conservative clothes since it’s a work trip. I say you go run to one of the stores on the resort and buy you a couple of strapless or thin strapped sundresses.”
“I don’t have time to shop right now. I do have a sundress, but it doesn’t really show my curves.”
“Is it at least strapless?”
“It’ll do. Bare shoulders, long earrings, or big hoops are sexy. Your shoe game has always been good. Wear strappy flats unless you’re going to dinner. Then heels all the way.”
“I don’t know where we’re going.”
“Then strappy flats. In Jamaica, he may take you anywhere. Heels don’t work unless you’re going to a restaurant or a club on the resort.”
Knock. Knock.
My heart raced when I looked at the door and noticed the time. “Shit. I’m late. That’s him, and I’m still in a towel.”
“I’m sure he’ll like that look the best.” She snorted. “Listen, call me when you get back to the city but text me details every fucking day.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll also sneak and send you a couple of pics of him. Love you.”
“Yeah...yeah, Nik. Tell me anything,” she replied. Her love was evident to me though she didn’t say it.
Feeling a lightness in my spirit I hadn’t felt in a long time, I skipped to the door and partially opened it to find white linen suited Bakari. “Hey...I’m sorry I got caught up on the phone. You look nice.”
He smiled. “Thanks. Are you going to let me in?”