Page 7 of The Experience
Chapter 3
“We can tailor our programto fit your company's needs.” Trying to stifle a yawn, I stood before the small group of engineers. “I will meet personally with each member of your team to ensure your voice is heard. Our mission is to ensure you’ll never need any other software.”
With his crisp white button-up and expensive dark blue jacket, a young guy, probably a recent graduate, interjected, “That’s a foolhardy mission with how fast technology changes. How can any software promise that when Apple updates constantly?”
“I’m sure she provides ongoing support, and the software will be updated accordingly. I think we all expect that type of service these days,” a familiar voice that made my most inner me quiver defended. My fantasy man was my knight in shining armor last night. The man who quickly reminded me that he was all real left before I woke up this morning without a word or a way to contact him. Now, he had the gall to casually stroll into the room late, only a few minutes before the end of the seminar I led. I gulped down my rising bagel from the continental breakfast I had earlier. Why did he seem even more impossibly sexy in his gray slacks and light blue polo? He smiled brightly before taking a seat near the back of the room.
Was he really a part of the conference? Then why didn’t he tell me he was here for the same reason?
Addressing the participant with what I hoped was an engaging smile, I replied, “Yes, the gentleman that walked in is correct. We at Blue Zone understand that time is essential when most of you work with pharmaceuticals and chemical companies and need your data immediately. We will assign a tech to your team, and that person will address any ongoing questions or concerns around the clock. And you’ll have my contact information if your tech person does not adequately address your needs.”
The young man seemed impressed by my answer as he pushed back a lock of his blonde hair. “We need that type of immediacy. It’s always hard to get a hold of someone who works with our current software when we need assistance. I like that I can reach out at any time. Our lab is always humming because of our contract with the CDC, and deadlines aren’t negotiable.”
“Then we’re the software for you.” I clasped my hands together in front of me. “I would love to show you exactly how we differ from our major competitors and why we’re the better choice.”
I managed to complete the rest of my presentation despite my frayed nerves at seeing the man who had me acting out of character in the bedroom. He quietly observed, nodding his head periodically, and took notes on my different talking points. I guess my brother had been right yet again. Attractive men interested in their work,andwomen attended these types of conferences.
Once I finished, several participants, including the young man, had questions and spoke of their interest in our software. I remained aware of Bakari’s presence in the back of the room, although I didn’t allow him to distract me from my job. The more sales I garnered, the more bonuses I received. I couldn’t forget my purpose in being here. After everyone else piled out of the workshop, I gathered my belongings calmly as if I was utterly alone.
“Good morning.”
Refusing to look at him, I unplugged my laptop and began rolling the cord. “I believe it’s noon.”
“Okay...Good afternoon.”
“Afternoon.” Unsure what to say next, I focused on placing my computer and cord in my leather bag.
“Thought you would be pleasantly surprised to see me. Guess not.” He rose from his chair and turned to walk toward the door.
In disbelief that he was about to leave after disrupting my peace, I zipped my bag testily and accused, “I don’t know how to feel. You were gone when I woke up.”
Bakari stood at the door. “Thought you preferred it that way. You barely asked me anything about myself last night.”
“Um...didn’t really have a chance to ask you questions.” Within minutes of being alone in my suite, we were naked and having the most incredible sex the rest of the night.
“Yet, I know you’re thirty-two. You’re also a sales rep for a tech company. You’re single, have no children, live in Cincinnati, are close to your father and brother, love the color orange, and beat cancer.” While he rattled details about me, the corner of his lips curved upwards. “What do you know about me besides my name?”
Somehow his smugness irked me even if he did know more about me than I did about him. “Are you accusing me of being self-centered? I am the least selfish person you’ll ever meet. I’m always doing for others before I do things for myself. Always working and helping engineers like yourself. Determined to help you be the best no matter what it takes. Even when I had cancer, I didn’t stop working. Going to the restroom to throw up when nausea got the best of me.” Annoyed, I placed my bag on my shoulder. “Besides, you didn’t seem to like answering questions about yourself.”
“Learning more facts about you as we speak. you even remember my name?” He smirked.
“Bakari.” I hissed and pushed past him on my way out the door.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me into an awkward embrace because I kept my body away from his enticing heat. “Come on, Nikki, I’m playing. Sometimes I can go too far.” He hugged me to him, and I could feel the sinew of his muscled chest against my back. “What do you have to do next?”
“Some report writing and go listen to another lecture,” I responded reluctantly.
“Are you mad with me? If you are, this attitude you have with me is unnecessary.” He leaned closer to my ear, his warm breath teasing my skin. “Because I thought last night was all fun.”
Realizing he was right, I had no reason to be mad, so I relaxed against his chest. “Honestly, it unnerved me to see you again while I worked. Like your presence in this room made last night seem real....” I searched for the right word.
“When you wanted me to be a fantasy.”
“Aren’t you arrogant? I meant that last night was supposed to stay last night.”
Turning me around to face him, he asked, “So, then why are you upset with me?”