Page 20 of In Just One Day
‘I just think she doesn’t really want to talk to me. At least not like she talks to you.’
‘Kate, she was calling to tell us her news. How could she know who was going to answer?’ Robin tried to alter the course of the conversation before it was too late to avoid a row. ‘She asked if you could go and see her in the shop. She wanted your advice on something. To do with the décor, I assume.’
Kate had, for many years, worked at a glossy interiors magazine.
‘Interior decoration, darling, not décor.’ Kate took a small bite of her toast, the sound of the crunch as brittle as her words.
‘Sorry, you know that’s what I meant. Anyway, she said that they plan to give the place a good clean, spruce it up a bit. Then the idea is to have a launch party a few weeks after that for customers and friends to, you know, spread the word.’
Kate finished chewing, hand to her mouth. ‘Are we invited?’
‘Of course! She said she’d confirm the date as soon as possible. You can ask her when you call her back.’ He closed the paper and folded it in half, placing it neatly on the table. ‘Well, I’d better get going.’
‘Where are you off to?’ Kate sounded surprised.
‘I did tell you, darling. I’m helping Mick with the boat this morning.’ Mick was their neighbour, and had been for years. Robin and Mick always had some sort of project on the go but this particular one – restoring an abandoned old wooden boat – had gone on far longer than most. ‘The sooner we get it done, the sooner we can go fishing.’
Kate forced a smile. ‘Yes, I remember now. Well, I’d better get on anyway. Lots on.’
Robin kissed her on her head as he walked behind her. ‘Right, I’ll see you later. I’ve got lunch.’ He raised a Tupperware box as he left the room.
Kate was left at the table. The dog, a long-haired dachshund, sat at her feet looking up at her hopefully. ‘Are you interested in what I’m doing today, Monty?’ She stroked his head. ‘No one else seems to be.’ Monty tentatively lifted his paws onto her lap. ‘Oh, come on, then, up you come.’ She scooped him up and he settled into her lap. Then she reached for her phone and dialled her daughter’s number.
* * *
Flora stood in the middle of the shop, surrounded by boxes. Mack was at the counter with a pile of large hard-backed notebooks in front of him and behind him sat Johnny, perched on the stairs, balancing his laptop on his knees.
‘Right, I’ve started moving the stocktake to here,’ Johnny pointed at the screen, ‘and I think we need to sort out what we’re going to put into the bin-end sale if we’re going to make room for some new stuff.’
‘Which is all over here…’ Flora pointed to a stack of boxes behind her. ‘Mack, if I get this lot set up, shall we taste through them together later this week?’
‘Yes, good idea.’ Mack turned to Johnny. ‘Where are we moving the fine wine range to?’
‘Over there, along the back wall, I thought. Less chance of it getting nicked if it’s there where we can see it.’
‘Fair enough.’ Mack guessed Johnny would have spotted the small hole in the fine wine accounts, but if he thought it had anything to do with Mack, Johnny had obviously decided to keep it to himself. ‘And do you want to keep it merchandised by country? Or should we do it by price?’
‘I think stick to country. At least then you have more of a chance to get customers to trade up and spend a bit more, don’t you think?’ Johnny looked at them both.
‘Definitely.’ Flora nodded. ‘OK, so I’m thinking we have New World stuff down this side,’ she pointed at the wall furthest away from the counter, ‘and Old World either side of the counter. Then spirits behind. What do you think?’
The phone rang. Mack picked it up. ‘Hello, Ten Green Bottles…’
‘I’m going to start moving this lot,’ Flora whispered to Johnny, putting her hand on the pile of boxes in front of her.
‘Yes, of course Mrs… Kate, of course… very kind.’ Mack held the phone out to Flora. ‘It’s your mother.’
Flora carefully picked her way across the floor and took the phone. ‘Mum, hi… I spoke to Dad, did you get my message? I just wondered if you could pop by the shop today. We’re just rearranging stuff but we need to make it look good on a shoestring. I thought you might have some good ideas… You will? Brilliant.’ Flora gave a thumbs up to Johnny and Mack. ‘Yes, any time before three – I’ve got to leave to get the kids by then… Great. Thanks, see you in a bit. Bye.’
‘What time is she coming?’ Johnny asked.
‘She said she’d leave straight away so she should be here in half an hour or so.’
‘Mack, you’re in for a treat.’ Johnny raised an eyebrow at the other man.
‘Hey, that’s my mother you’re talking about.’ Flora looked at Johnny in mock disapproval. ‘She’s not that bad, Mack, honestly. Just a bit, well…’
‘I’m only joking, you know that. She’s lovely really, Mack, just a little, um… challenging sometimes. Maybe?’ Johnny looked at Flora.