Page 26 of In Just One Day
‘I could ask Billy if he knows of anyone. He usually does, when it comes to this kind of thing. It was just a thought…’
‘Good idea, if he knows of any DJs – not expensive ones – that would be amazing.’
‘Great, I’ll message him in a mo.’ She called down the hall. ‘Can you clean yourselves up, please? Food in fifteen!’ She put on a pan of water.
Just then the phone rang. Flora knew it would be her mother, because she was the only person to call on the landline. She saw the familiar number on the screen. ‘Hi, Mum, how are you?’
‘It’s Dad, actually. How are you?’
‘Dad! I’m fine, is everything OK?’ Flora instantly felt panic in her chest.
‘Yes, all fine, darling. Your mother asked me to call to see if there was anything else we can do to help with the party next week. I know you’re very organised but if there’s anything, you will let us know, won’t you?’
Flora closed her eyes. She hadn’t told Johnny what she’d seen at the station. She knew he’d try to reassure her there was probably a perfectly innocent explanation. But she knew what she’d seen, and it hadn’t looked innocent at all. In fact, it had looked loaded, as if there was a whole history and a whole story that she didn’t know about. Part of her didn’t even want to know; wished she had been just a few more steps behind so she hadn’t seen her father at all.
But the fact was she had seen him. And she knew that at some point she would have to ask him about it. She’d have to know the truth eventually but she wasn’t ready yet.
Tom came into the kitchen. ‘How long till we eat?’
Flora took the phone from her ear. ‘Not long. Didn’t you hear me call? Go and wash your hands.’ She shooed him out of the kitchen. Putting the phone back to her ear, she tried to think of something to say.
‘Are you OK?’ Her father sounded completely normal.
What were you doing with that woman? Why did you look so comfortable with her? How could you do that to Mum? Flora wanted to shout at him. But the words wouldn’t come out.
‘Yes, all fine, thanks, Dad. I think we’re pretty sorted, actually. If anything, please can you just make sure you’re not too late? I know Mum’s late for everything, but I think we’ll do a little speech early on and I’d love for you to be there for that.’
‘Of course, we’ll be there. Looking forward to it. See you then.’
‘Thanks, Dad, see you then. Bye.’
She put down the phone. Pouring the pasta into the now boiling water, she wondered if she’d ever pluck up the courage to ask. Or was it easier just not knowing and hoping that, over time, it would get easier to ignore? Having set the timer on the oven, she kicked off her shoes and walked barefoot into the garden. Deep down, Flora knew, like a stone in a shoe, what she’d seen would be impossible to ignore for long.
The morning sun found its way through a small gap between the bottom of the blind and the windowsill, falling on Kate’s face. She opened her eyes slowly, stretched her legs, before swinging them round and down to the floor, feeling for her slippers. She crossed the bedroom quietly, picking up the silk dressing gown draped across the small chair in the corner as she passed.
She padded downstairs, Monty trotting close behind her. Robin didn’t approve of Monty sleeping in their bedroom but had long given up arguing over it. Kate looked at him, the dog’s big brown eyes peering up at her expectantly. ‘Come on then, my little sausage.’ Opening the French doors, Kate followed Monty out into the garden. Dew still covered the grass, and the birds were already busy at the feeders.
The tulips in the borders had started to shed their petals like fat confetti onto the lawn. Before long the irises, Kate’s favourite, would start to come through. She adored this time of year in the garden, so full of promise. Sweeping her gaze across the lawn, she breathed in the cool morning air. She glimpsed the river below as it snaked past, the angle of the moored boats giving away the direction of the tide. Looking behind, back up to the house, her eyes settled on the upstairs window, her and Robin’s bedroom. She wished she could sleep as deeply as her husband, but she’d woken early, as usual. She had been thinking about Flora’s launch party – worrying about it – although she didn’t really know why. Picking a few flowers on her way, Kate wandered back up to the house. She put the stems in a jar, popped them on the side and started laying the table ready for breakfast.
She pottered a while, emptied the dishwasher, finished washing the pots leftover from the night before. Finally sitting at the table, she tried to distract herself with the crossword from the previous day’s paper. But she couldn’t concentrate. What had started as a fleeting thought when she woke up was now filling her mind. She tried to push it out, summoning other things to fill its place. But no matter how much she tried, she knew it wasn’t the party worrying her. Kate closed her eyes, gently shaking her head as if to rid it of the thoughts now flooding in. She threw her head back and opened her eyes again, determined not to let the tears fall. Monty’s front paws appeared on her knee. She scooped him up.
‘Am I a fool, Monty?’ she whispered to him. He looked at her briefly before settling down onto her lap. ‘Perhaps I am. But he’ll never leave me. So really, who’s the fool?’
They both sighed heavily. She gently stroked his soft head, waiting for the uninvited thoughts to leave her mind so she could get on with her day.
* * *
‘Tea?’ Ruby stood wearing Billy’s shirt from last night, her voice a little too perky for his liking at this time in the morning. But given that it had taken quite the effort to win her back round after their temporary split, he knew he was lucky to have her there at all.
Billy pushed his palms into his eyes, rubbing them, desperately trying to wake himself up. He sat up, reaching for the mug of steaming tea. ‘I could get used to this.’
‘Don’t push your luck, sunshine. Your turn next time.’ She slipped back under the covers, nestling into him.
‘Hey, careful!’ He laughed, putting the mug back down on the table.
‘Do you really have to go to that meeting?’ Ruby ran her hand across his chest, kissing his skin softly.