Page 61 of In Just One Day
Kate looked at her daughter. ‘No, nothing happened. I just think it’s time we did things differently.’ Kate’s gaze was steadfast, despite her eyes filling with tears.
‘Oh, Mum, please… you and Dad have been so happy for so many years. Is it really what you want?’
‘For now, I think it is. I’m sorry, darling.’ Kate’s voice was practically a whisper.
They were both silent for a while, neither knowing what to say.
‘So, what happens now?’
‘I’m not entirely sure, darling. I mean, we’re not arguing. I’m too tired to argue, anyway. Your father knows I want him to leave and I’ll give him time to do so. He’ll do as I say.’ Kate sounded firm once more.
Flora shook her head gently, as if trying to shake out the words that had been said. More than anything else, she wanted Billy to be here.
‘Oh, Flora, I’m sorry. Please don’t look like that.’ Kate reached for Flora’s hand.
‘Mum, I’m sorry. I just can’t… Can you really not find a way to…?’ Flora struggled to speak, desperately trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.
‘I wish I could say it was all fine, Flora. But it hasn’t been fine for a while now. And we can’t stay together just because of what’s happened. Losing Billy was devastating – I’ll never get over it – but that’s not a reason to stay when I’m not happy. In fact, it gives me more reason than ever to change things.’
‘But, Mum, whatever’s going on, or happened,’ she felt her cheeks burn again, ‘can you not, I don’t know, work through it?’
Kate twisted the rings on her fingers. ‘It’s more complicated than that and I promise you it’s not a decision I’ve taken easily. I’m sure your father will talk to you, too, but I wanted you to hear it from me. It’s my decision.’ Her face was resolute.
‘I’m so sorry,’ Flora whispered, looking at her mother across the table.
‘So am I, darling. But that’s just how it’s got to be for now.’
As Flora waved Kate off, she felt more lost than ever.
* * *
‘Mack, I’m just going to sort out these deliveries for later,’ Johnny called from the back of the shop.
‘Thanks, Johnny.’ Mack stood behind the counter, working his way through the day’s post, strong coffee at his side. He’d been happy to see Johnny back in the shop, not realising quite how much he’d miss him and Flora until they weren’t there. They’d obviously had a wonderful few days away and Susie had been a great help in the shop when she’d popped in as promised. Mack hadn’t seen Flora yet, but she was due in just after lunch and he was looking forward to seeing her.
Just then the phone rang. Mack put down the letter he had in his hand and picked up the receiver. ‘Hello?’
‘Mack, it’s Flora.’
‘Hello, Flora, how are you? Are we seeing you later?’
‘Actually, Mack, is Johnny there? Something’s come up so I might not be in today after all, if that’s OK. I’m so sorry.’
‘Yes, hang on, let me get him for you.’ Mack called through to the back of the shop. ‘Johnny, Flora for you.’
‘Thanks, Mack.’ Johnny took the phone. ‘You OK?’
‘Johnny, Mum’s just been. She’s asked Dad to leave.’
‘What? Why?’
‘Well, she didn’t say exactly why, and I’m not sure if she knows about the affair or not. It was awful, Johnny.’ Flora sat down at the kitchen table. Her mother had barely been gone a few moments and Flora wondered whether the conversation had really happened; it all seemed too much to be real. ‘I’m sorry but I just can’t come to the shop right now.’
‘Don’t be silly, Flo. You don’t have to. We’ve got it covered today. I’ll be back home as soon as I can.’
‘Don’t hurry, I’m fine. I think it’s just a bit of a shock. Actually, there’s something I want to do, if you don’t mind. I want to go and see Billy. At the church, I mean. I think I just want to sit there for a bit, see if I can get things a little straighter in my head. Would you mind? I’ll be back in time to get the kids from school.’
Johnny pictured his brother-in-law’s grave, a spot in a beautiful churchyard in the small village not far from Flora’s parents’ house. Flora and Johnny had got married in that same church and, most recently, Billy’s memorial service had taken place there. Afterwards, Johnny and Flora had sat together on a wooden bench under an old cedar tree, a small plaque with the name of a long-gone parishioner behind them. He knew that was where Flora wanted to be.