Page 85 of In Just One Day
Tilda and Pete arrived, Pete carrying a small magnolia tree in a pot.
‘This is for the courtyard and to say congratulations, we’re so proud of what you’ve done with the shop,’ said Tilda.
‘Guys, you shouldn’t have… but thank you. That’s so lovely of you. Here, take these,’ she gave them each a glass of wine, ‘and go through, I’ll be out in a minute.’
The bell tinkled behind her. It was Susie. Flora did a double take. ‘Bloody hell, Susie. You look amazing!’ Her friend stood there, immaculate as ever, but there was something about the way she looked that was different.
‘He’s agreed to a divorce.’ Susie beamed.
‘Oh my God, that’s fantastic!’ Flora hugged her friend. ‘I mean, you’re OK?’
‘I’m over the bloody moon.’ Susie laughed. ‘But I don’t want to waste a second more thinking about it tonight. I want a massive glass of something delicious, please.’
‘You’re in the right place.’ Flora laughed. ‘Come with me.’ She led Susie by the arm into the courtyard, handing her a glass on the way.
Johnny waved at Flora from the corner where he stood with a small crowd of regulars, signalling that he was coming over. ‘I’ve just asked Mack if he’d like me to say a few words, but he said he’s happy to.’
‘Great, so long as I don’t have to do it this time.’
The sound of spoon against glass brought the assembled crowd to a hush. ‘Hello, can you all hear me?’ Mack stood by the back door of the shop. ‘I promise to keep this brief. Right, well, first I want to thank you all for coming, of course. I feel very lucky to be celebrating the first anniversary, which was actually a few weeks’ ago, of our new, improved wine shop. As you all know, it couldn’t have happened without two very special people, Johnny and Flora.’
The crowd cheered.
‘Now,’ Mack continued, ‘it wasn’t so long ago that I thought it was the end of the line for this shop. But then Flora – and Johnny, of course – came along and decided it wasn’t the end. In fact, it was the beginning of a whole new story. Thank you both.’ He raised his glass. ‘To Flora and Johnny!’
The crowd toasted, followed by a round of whoops and applause. Johnny turned to Flora, kissing the side of her head. ‘Want me to get you another lime and soda?’
Flora looked down at her swelling stomach. ‘God, no, I can’t face another one. I’ll make do with tap water after this.’
Kate appeared at their side, her face a picture of pride. ‘Well done, we’re so happy for you.’
‘Thank you, Kate,’ said Johnny.
‘Now,’ Kate looked at her daughter, ‘how’s that Venice baby doing?’
Flora laughed. ‘Mum, please stop calling her that. It really freaks me out.’ She put her hands on her belly, feeling the baby turn like a jumping bean.
‘Sorry, I can’t help it. I’m just so excited.’ Kate sighed. ‘Right, I need to find your father. Luckily, he’s driving tonight so I can have another one of these.’ She held up her empty glass.
‘Let me sort that out for you, then.’ Johnny took it and went off to get her a refill.
‘Mum, are you really all right?’
Kate took Flora’s hands. ‘Darling, I’m fine. Good days and bad days, you know.’
Flora nodded. She did indeed know. ‘I miss him so much, Mum.’
‘Me, too.’
Colin appeared with a fresh glass of rosé for Kate. ‘Johnny sent me over with this.’
‘Thank you, Colin.’ Kate took it from him. ‘That’s a beautiful colour on you, by the way.’
‘Thank you. It’s sage green.’
Kate and Flora clinked glasses, their smiles tinged with sadness.
‘He’d have been so happy for you,’ said Kate, softly.
‘I know.’ Flora squeezed her mother’s hand.
‘Gougères?’ Colin held a plate of them.
‘Thank you, Colin. Mum, you have to try one, they’re so good.’ She turned to Colin. ‘Why don’t you tell my mother how you make them? I’m really sorry, but I’ve got to dash to the loo. Again.’
Flora crossed the courtyard into the shop, making her way upstairs. She saw the window at the back was open and went to it, looking down at the courtyard below filled with familiar faces, the sound of talking and laughter floating up towards her. She looked up at the pale silver moon overhead.
‘Hey, little brother,’ she whispered.