Page 21 of This Is Us
Stella knew Bridget was right, she couldn’t just sit and wait for her missing husband to figure out whatever it was he was doing, wherever he was doing it. She had a family to look after, a business to run, a house to manage. Much as she hated the idea, she had to carry on without him for now.
‘Mama?’ Stella looked up to see Isla standing by the kitchen door in her nightie.
‘Hi, sweetie, are you OK?’
Isla made her way across the kitchen in her bare feet, clutching her favourite teddy, and instantly climbed onto Stella’s lap.
Stella instinctively put a hand to her daughter’s forehead. ‘Goodness, you’re boiling. Come on, let’s get some medicine down you.’
She led Isla over to the sink and reached up into a cupboard, taking out the bottle of Calpol and grabbing a spoon from the drawer.
‘Here, in one.’
Isla dutifully downed the spoonful.
‘How about you have a small glass of water, too?’
Isla nodded.
‘Come on then, I’ll take you back upstairs and tuck you in.’ She took her daughter’s hand again. ‘Back in a sec,’ she called to Bridget as they made their way down the hall.
‘I’ll clear this up,’ Bridget called back and stood up to clear the plates.
She looked around the kitchen, with its fridge covered in children’s drawings and photo frames on the side filled with happy smiling faces. She felt so sad for her friend, wishing she could tell Stella when this would all be over. But all Bridget could do for now was wait and hope.
The sound of her phone ringing woke Stella from her slumber. She’d lain awake for much of the night, trying to find sleep. It had danced just in front of her, only to move away when she thought she might be getting close. And just when she had fallen into a deep sleep through sheer exhaustion, it was time to get up again and get everyone ready for school.
Stella reached for her phone. It was her father. Being an early riser, he always assumed everyone else would be up and busy by now. ‘Hey, Dad.’
‘Sorry, early I know.’
She glanced at the clock. It was almost eight o’clock. ‘Shit, is that the time? I must have overslept… Thank goodness you did ring. Dad, listen, I’m running late. Can I get the kids to school and call you back?’
‘Yes of course, I was just going to suggest I meet you for lunch today, that’s all.’
She could tell by his voice that he knew what was going on.
‘Did Caroline tell you?’ Stella asked.
There was a pause. ‘She did. But please don’t be cross with her. I’d asked if you were all right as I hadn’t heard from you for a bit, and you didn’t answer my last message.’
‘Oh no, I’m sorry, Dad. I meant to reply but I didn’t really know what to say and the last few weeks have gone by in a bit of a blur and, well, I’m just sorry not to have called before now.’
‘Stella, please don’t apologise. I just want to know that you’re OK.’
‘I’m OK,’ Stella lied.
‘So, can you spare me an hour today? Lunch on me at the usual.’
The usual was the same restaurant they’d been going to as a family for years. Birthdays and anniversaries were always spent there, at a table halfway down one side with a view of the room and the river beyond, the open kitchen to the right.
Stella hit the speakerphone and talked as she threw on some clothes. ‘I’ve got a meeting this morning, but I can be there by 1 p.m. How’s that?’ Stella decided not to mention to her father that the meeting was with a solicitor for the time being. Much as she didn’t want to admit it, she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer.
‘Sounds perfect.’
‘Is Susie coming?’ Stella hoped her stepmother might be, for moral support more than anything.