Page 13 of Faking Mr. Right
“I don’t think we’ve had a single intelligent conversation, Levi.”
He smiled. “Not yet, but we have time. We’ll be seeing a lot of each other as a fake couple this summer. With all the weddings…”
“And Summer Fest…”
“And a family reunion.”
“You have a family reunion?”
“No, but I’ve heard you do.”
“Shit, I forgot about that,” I muttered to myself. “But I may be gone by then.”
“Back to Austin?”
Hearing Austin caused my stomach to flip flop.
“Can I tell you a secret?” I asked, biting my lip and staring down at my plate. Most of my omelet was gone, but I pushed the last few bites around on my plate.
“Sure. I don’t talk to many people, so I promise it’s safe with me. And as your fake boyfriend, you can tell me anything.”
I smiled, but only for a second when I remembered what I was about to tell him. “I don’t think I have a job in Austin anymore.”
“What? Why?”
“The reserve is scheduled to close in August unless they can get more funding, and sadly, with how the economy is these days, the money isn’t coming in anymore. I believe there was some shady stuff going on with the owners pocketing donations too, but no proof of that. Sure, there could be a miracle, but I’m not counting it, and I’m currently looking for another job. My family doesn’t know yet. No one does. Well, except you.”
Levi looked at me, a softness in his eyes that made me feel even more comfortable talking to him. “Why haven’t you told your family yet? Not that it matters, I’m just curious.”
“Well, because I’m already a disappointment to them by not wanting to get married and have kids. They all told me I should specialize in small animal veterinary medicine because it’s more practical… and here I am, jobless and proving them right.”
“You’re not a disappointment, Anna. Not even close.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“No way. Your family adores you; I see it in every interaction with them. And the fact that you managed to complete high school at freaking sixteen years old, then college only three years later and vet school too, which is one of the hardest programs to get into… Do you not see how impressive you are?”
My cheeks flushed and I looked down at the plate. I couldn’t think of the words to say, since thanking him would acknowledge what he said, and I just didn’t feel very impressive. I finished the rest of my omelet, took a few deep breaths, and said, “Thank you. I really struggle with compliments. I have a hard time believing them.”
“Well, everything I stated is a fact. In fact, if you look up the word impressive on Wikipedia, there’s a picture of you.”
I shook my head and chuckled. “You’re hilarious.”
“Nah, just honest.” He finished his eggs, and I couldn’t help but sneak glances at him from across the table. Butterflies fluttered inside me, and every time he smiled at me, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling right back.
Then I remembered the arrangement.
No feelings allowed Anna.
“I should probably get going…” I knew if I stayed much longer, it would be hard to resist kissing him. We had agreed to having some fun, but this was venturing into dangerous territory.
“Alright, I can drive you home. Better than trying to get an Uber this early out here.”
“Isn’t your truck at the restaurant from last night?”
“Nah, Irene and I rode in together,” he said. “Come on, let me give you a ride”
I slid off the chair and Levi looped his arm into mine. Again, I found myself unable to stop myself from smiling.