Page 24 of Faking Mr. Right
“Levi has always been so good about taking care of others,” Irene said from across the table. “He’s a natural caregiver. I’m not surprised he decided to save all those animals.”
Levi shrugged and muttered something I couldn’t make out.
“Always so humble too,” Irene said with a chuckle.
We finished our cake and the lights dimmed as it was announced that the bride and groom were going to have their first dance. Everyone stood to watch, walking toward the dance floor as the music began to play.
Patton held Molly in his arms as they began moving to the music. I half-expected them to just move back and forth, typical high school slow dance style, but they surprised us all when the music changed to something more upbeat. The crowd went wild, laughing and clapping as the pair executed an impressive tango. Their fun was evident, written all over their faces, and it filled the air, contagious to everyone who was watching.
I had always thought weddings had to be stuffy, formal affairs, but Molly and Patton were filled with surprises. I was on my feet, swaying to the music and clapping at their performance.
“That’s impressive,” I whispered to Levi. “Did you know he was capable of moves like that?”
“Many of us football players took dance lessons on the side,” Levi admitted with an adorable grin.
“Our coach encouraged it, said it would help us on the field,” Levi said. “Not that any of us would ever admit to liking it.”
“So, you can dance like that?”
Levi raised an eyebrow. “I guess you’ll just have to see, won’t you?”
“I can’t wait. I took some ballroom dancing back in the day, you know. I might give you a run for your money.”
“Ooh, is that a challenge?”
“Maybe…” I trailed off.
Truthfully, it had been years since I tried to dance, but my mom had wanted all her daughters to have experience since ballroom dancing had been her passion in her youth. I took ballet, tap, jazz and a little tiny bit of ballroom to appease my mother.
I always thought it had been a waste of time, but if I could impress Levi with my moves, well, it would all be worth it.
As the dance finished with Patton dipping Molly and kissing her, the DJ announced, “Now it’s your turn to show the crowd what you got. The dance floor is open to everyone.”
“That’s our cue,” I said, taking Levi’s hand and guiding him to the floor.
A salsa number came on, and I was about to ask Levi if he had any salsa experience when he took me in his arms and began leading me. No, we weren’t perfect, but with his lead, I was able to remember many of the moves I had been taught all those years ago. And somehow, I managed to not step on his toes, which I considered a big win.
He pulled me closer to him, and our faces were inches apart. His breath was warm on my face, his lips luscious. I knew their softness and craved feeling them against mine.
His body pressed against mine, and I felt his excitement against my belly. A warmth rushed through my entire body as I ground against him, yearning to feel him, all of him.
His hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. Our mouths moved toward each other.
Then the music changed. It shifted from the spicy, Latin music to something softer. A slow dance. Without even a pause, Levi’s hands wrapped firmly around my waist, and I felt trapped against his body.
Not that I wanted to get away.
But the heat between my legs, the desire to kiss him and touch him and hold him… It was all too much.
It was too real for an otherwise fake relationship.
“I need some air,” I whispered.
Levi released his grip on me, and I slipped away into the crowd, nearly running for the door. I wasn’t sure if Levi tried to follow me or not; there were too many people in the way, and I didn’t bother looking back. I had my sights set on the exit and that was it.
I couldn’t breathe and it had nothing to do with the crowd and everything to do with what Levi did to me.