Page 32 of Faking Mr. Right
Anna got dressed as I wrestled with my feelings.
“I have to go,” she said, kissing me. Her lips lingered on mine, and there was…well, there was something there. When she pulled away, her smile had faded and was replaced by a look of surprise.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Umm, I just– well, I have to go,” she repeated, no longer looking me in the eye. Her cheeks were pink. She hurried out of the bedroom, and I followed her, but she was out the door before I could stop her and say goodbye.
She was gone.
Just like she will be in a few months.
Chapter 9
“These dresses, oh my God,” I exclaimed as I stepped out in the slinky pink number Emily had picked out for us. I turned in the mirror and frowned at my belly poking out, but then I remembered Levi telling me how beautiful I was, and it brought a smile to my face.
“I know, right?” Grace stepped out, wearing the same slinky dress. “These things hug every curve. I feel like a goddess.”
I heard my sister speaking, but my mind was elsewhere. The way Levi looked at me, he made me feel like a goddess.
“You seem distracted and extra giddy this morning. Good night with the boyfriend, I take it?” Grace asked, raising an eyebrow.
It was more than just Levi… I had a phone interview with my dream job. But I hadn’t told anyone about my job in Austin falling through yet, so it felt like a big jump to tell them about the interview. Especially since it was just the first of many steps and there was still a big chance it would go nowhere.
Emily, who was in the dressing room nearby piped up, “The way you and Levi are together, it’s no wonder you’re giddy.”
“Yeah…” I trailed off, turning in the dress like a little girl in a princess gown. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and was grinning like a fool. “We went to Patton and Molly’s wedding, and did you know Levi can dance? Like salsa dancing! I had no idea, and he literally swept me off my feet and showed me up, even with those dance classes Mom used to make us take.”
“Oh, so that’s why you didn’t come home last night,” Emily said from the dressing room.
“Yeah, I stayed over with him. Did you know he also makes his own soap? From goat’s milk. He runs a business with his brothers, yet still has time to make goat cheese and soap. I don’t get how he has time for all that.”
“He’s a hard worker,” Grace said. “I’ve heard that about the Callaghan brothers.”
“That he is,” I agreed. “He built his own cabin. It’s all custom-designed and green and stuff… I swear, he’s so freaking smart.”
“He’s very impressive,” Grace commented, shooting me a knowing smile.
“No, what? Tell me why you’re looking at me like that.”
“Well, I mean, isn’t it obvious? You’re clearly in love with the guy.”
I turned away from her and faced the mirror once more, pretending to flatten the material of the dress. “Pfft, it’s too soon for that.”
“Nah, sometimes when you know, you know. Look at Emily. They’d only been dating for six months before they were engaged.”
“But I’ve known James since high school!” Emily called out.
“And Anna has known Levi since, what, grade school?”
“Something like that, but we weren’t super close since he’s a couple years behind me.”
“Yeah, but still… you’re both super smart, graduated top of your respective classes, you’ve always known of each other, and I have a feeling Levi always had a crush on you.”