Page 50 of Faking Mr. Right
“That was different. Unlike Beth, Anna isn’t trying to change me. We just mesh well together and have similar goals and interests in life.”
“Yeah, because right now, it’s not real. If it were real, things would be different.”
“I don’t know about that...”
“Just like you thought Beth was the one for you.”
“I never even introduced Beth to my family,” I countered, adding, “We never got that far, to be honest.”
“Yet you were willing to throw your life away for her.”
“No, I was willing to start a new life with her.”
“That wasn’t the life you wanted,” Clark reminded me.
“Sure, fine, you’re right.” I threw my hands up in defeat. “But in this case, Anna is going to live her life and I’m going to live mine. In a few months, we will have a fake breakup and she will head to Africa or wherever she ends up, and that’s that.”
“I sure hope so, man,” Clark said, giving me a long, hard look.
“I’ll be fine, Clark. Thanks for worrying about me, but I know what I signed up for and I’ll be okay.”
Clark checked the time on his phone. “Alright, it was good seeing you, but I have to get going. Early morning tomorrow at the office. You know what I’m talking about.”
“I do. Running your own business is tough work.” I shook his hand, and he went on his way.
I stopped by to check on the animals for the night before heading to bed. Birdtha rushed at me, but thankfully there was a fence between us.
“Ha! You thought you had me,” I said with a smile, pointing at her. She was a mean one, but I couldn’t help but love her.
The chickens were all in their coop. Al was in his enclosure, being the good boy he was. I tossed some fresh hay into the pen and went over to check on the goats.
A strange sound came from the pen, and I went from walking to running.
Ginger was laying on the ground, panting. A pool of blood had formed around her.
“Oh shit,” I muttered, dropping to her side. She was clearly in labor, and the sounds coming from her sent my heartrate into overdrive.
I texted the vet at the emergency number. It was late on a weekend, and I knew it might take him a bit to get here.
“You’re fine, Ginger,” I soothed, trying to comfort the goat as I kept checking the messages. “Shit, I have no idea how to deliver a goat.”
But Anna would…
She also lives in town, not too far. She could get here quickly…
Since it had been fifteen minutes and I hadn’t heard from the vet, I decided to reach out to Anna. I called her, and she answered surprisingly fast.
“Hey, sorry to bother you. Hope you weren’t sleeping–”
“I’m not. Is everything okay?” I told her about Ginger, and before I could even finish my sentence, she said, “I’m on my way. I’ll be there as fast as possible.”
She hung up without a goodbye and I sat by Ginger, smoothing her fur and talking to her in low whispers. The vet didn’t respond. Nothing. Not even a message to say he was busy.
“Emergency services, my ass,” I muttered to myself.
I jumped up at the sound of a car in the driveway and rushed out of the enclosure, waving to Anna as she ran toward us. She was still wearing the sundress, but her hair was pulled back and her makeup had been washed away. She still looked so damned amazing though.
“Where is she?” Anna asked.