Page 6 of Faking Mr. Right
My head was spinning as we told our made-up story to more and more people. Rose was the most curious.
“So how did you reconnect after high school? Anna, you just got in town last week and haven’t left the house except with your sisters to plan the party today.”
“Well…” Anna said, looking at me as if mentally trying to get our story straight.
“We’ve been talking online,” I announced.
“Online?” Rose scrunched up her nose. “That’s not very romantic.”
Anna side-eyed me and continued. “He means, we’ve been talking online since I came and visited last Christmas. We ran into each other when I was out shopping for presents.”
“Yes, at the local— err…” I forgot every store in Sunville. “What was the name of the shop again?”
“TJ Maxx,” Anna said. “I was buying some new pants.”
I had no clue what TJ Maxx was. “Yes, that’s it. I was buying new…. socks.”
Rose held a hand up. “Wait a second, I thought you said you were shopping for presents, and TJ Maxx is pretty far…”
“Yes, I mean, I went into Salt Lake City to go shopping and decided to buy myself some pants while I was out.”
“I don’t remember you being gone that long.” Grace spoke up beside her mom.
“Well, I was. Where do you think I got that scarf for you?” Anna said matter-of-factly.
“I thought you said you picked it up before you flew out.”
Anna looked at me and for a second, I feared our entire story was about to fall apart. But she straightened and said, “You know, maybe you’re right, I can’t remember where I bought all your gifts from. But I did go to Salt Lake one day when you guys were busy.”
“And Levi was in Salt Lake shopping at TJ Maxx at the same time?”
“Yep. What a small world, right? I peered over the racks of socks and thought to myself, ‘Is that Anna Berkshire?’ and then her blue eyes locked on mine, and we smiled from across the store. It just felt like we were meant to be.”
Anna leaned into me and whispered into my ear, “Good job,” as she pretended to kiss me on the cheek.
“Do you go to TJ Maxx all the way in Salt Lake City to buy socks often, Levi?” Emily stared at me with a cocked eyebrow.
“I wasn’t there just for socks. I was shopping for my family’s gifts and thought I’d pop in for some new socks while I was there. You know, I think I’m wearing the same socks I bought that day. They’re my lucky socks.”
Anna nearly choked on her cocktail from trying to stifle a laugh, and I winked at her. She smiled and shook her head, clearly amused by my ability to spin a tall tale.
“From there, you talked online?”
“Well, mostly on WhatsApp. We texted every day for the last few months, and when I found out she was back in town, I asked if we could see each other… and tonight, I decided to make it official by asking her to be my girlfriend.”
Grace smiled. “I guess it’s not the meet-cute of rom coms, but as long as you’re happy, sis, I’m happy for you.”
“Me too,” Emily agreed.
“I have to get going,” Grace announced. “I promised the kids I’d put them to bed tonight. Nicholas is such a mama’s boy these days.”
“Tell the little munchkins Auntie Anna loves them,” Anna said, hugging her sister goodbye.
“I have to go find my fiancé. I’ve seen James for maybe five minutes all night.” Emily laughed as she scooted off to where James was sitting with his family.
Slowly but surely, the crowd of people around us dissipated as the party came to an end, leaving Anna and I alone. Finally, I could relax.
“Want one last drink?” I asked her.