Page 72 of Faking Mr. Right
“I took a test yesterday and it was negative, but I really wanted it to be positive even though I know that would mean giving up my dreams… but maybe my dream has changed? I don’t even know what I want anymore. I’m developing feelings for Levi, and I don’t want to leave you guys. I’ll miss you so much…”
Emily hugged me tightly and let me cry it out.
“You aren’t mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?” she asked.
“Because I lied to you about Levi.”
Emily let out a snort, then apologized. “Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh. But sis, I haven’t been honest with you either because I knew your relationship was fake all along.”
“What? But the party yesterday!”
She shrugged. “I see the way you two look at each other. Your relationship may be fake, but the feelings you two share are very real, and I was hoping you two might eventually come to your senses and realize it.”
“But if you noticed we had feelings for each other, how did you know I’d been lying?”
“Your story kept changing, and I even tricked you a few times. You couldn’t even remember what you told me and what you hadn’t,” she said with a laugh. “You may be the book smart one in the family, but I’m no dummy.”
“I know you’re not.”
“But you thought you could keep it from your dear old sister who knows you better than you know yourself,” she said with a tsking sound.
“Who else knows it’s fake? Does Grace know? What about Irene?”
“No, I wanted to tell Grace, but I figured this is your secret to share. She’s so caught up in her life and her kids, she doesn’t have time to nitpick your stories the way I do. And Irene is clueless too. I ended up paying for everything yesterday. It didn’t feel right that she pay for something under false pretenses.”
“You knew…and even threw us a party…”
Emily smirked proudly. “It was a fantastic party, wasn’t it? I was hoping it would get you two thinking about getting married for real, if you saw everyone who loved you all in one place, celebrating you. But I guess it didn’t work since you two are clearly not okay.”
“Em, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know we’ve been really pushy trying to find you a boyfriend. That’s on us. We should have given you space. But honestly, I see how happy you are with Levi… I think you two have something special.”
“I know we do,” I said with a deep sigh. I rubbed my temples. “I don’t know what to do.”
“You have to decide what you want to do.”
“I want it all. I want the job in Africa. I want a relationship with Levi. I want a family with him, I think. I want to be here, with my family and never miss anything.”
“Anna, sweetie, you can’t have it all. You have to choose.”
“But what if I can’t choose?”
“Then the choices will likely be made for you, and you may not be happy with the results.”
Chapter 20
Hey, Clark. Do you know anything about the land for sale off Highway 9?
I waited for a response from Clark as I watched the bathrooms. Anna had stepped away more than fifteen minutes ago, and I was beginning to worry. Her sister was with her, though, and there was only one entrance and exit into the private stall…. But I wondered what was taking her so long.
My phone buzzed.
Yeah, man, my brother and I looked at it, but we aren’t likely to buy it. Thinking of moving?