Page 83 of Faking Mr. Right
Her mother put her hands on her hips and scowled until wrinkles appeared on her forehead. “And what about Levi? Are you just going to leave your fiancé?”
“We’re working on that,” Anna said, speaking slowly and glancing at me. “We have a lot to talk about, and I don’t have the job yet. This is just a trial.”
“Levi isn’t going to move all the way to Africa, is he?”
I started to say that I would, but Anna stopped me. “I said we’re talking about it.”
“I need some air.”
Anna hurried away from us, heading for the exit. I apologized to her mom and followed her outside, the door nearly hitting me on the way out.
“Anna, wait–”
She stopped a few feet from the entrance and turned toward me, her mascara streaking her cheeks like a raccoon. She wiped at her eyes and cursed to herself.
“Anna, talk to me, please. I understand that speaking in front of everyone sucks, but this seems like more than a fear of public speaking.”
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her to my chest. “Talk to me, please.”
“It’s just– I don’t know if I want to go,” she said.
“To Tanzania?”
“Yes.” She lifted her head and stared deep into my eyes. “On one hand, I will forever regret not going and trying… but I can’t imagine leaving all this.”
“Sunville? But I thought you wanted out of here?”
“I did, but now I have so many reasons to stay. I have my family, my nieces and nephews I’ll miss so much. Emily’s baby. And you, Levi. I don’t want to leave you.”
“I already told you,” I said softly. “You don’t have to leave me. I’ll go with you.”
“But I know it will break something inside you to give up your life here, and you won’t be the same, Levi. And that kills me to think about.”
“Auntie Anna!” a tiny voice called from the entrance of the hall. Grace was standing there with Madeline and Nicholas at her side. Madeline rushed forward and into Anna’s arms, while Nicholas made his way over to me.
I picked the little guy up and he laughed.
“They were looking for you two,” Grace said as she walked toward us. “I think they’re getting a bit bored.”
“Bored? At a wedding? No way,” I teased.
“Dance with us!” Madeline said, tugging on Anna’s hand. “Pweese Auntie Anna?”
“Pleeease!” Nicholas begged too, putting his hands together and pleading with everything he had.
“How can we say no to that?” I asked, glancing at Anna.
We had a lot we still needed to talk about, but I’d told Anna what I was willing to do - and I meant it. She wouldn’t have to lose me, that was final. I’d made my decision. If she was right, it might kill something inside me to leave. I knew it would just open opportunities for re-birth, a life I’d never even imagined for myself.
Hand-in-hand with the kids, we walked back inside the reception just as some cheesy pop song came on. I’d never heard it, but Madeline and Nicholas clearly had. They started cheering and wiggling, dancing and rolling around on the floor. Anna and I stood off to the side, unable to join them in their fun for the meantime, and Grace trying - and failing - to keep them off the floor.
The look in Anna’s eyes, the way her entire face lit up when she was around her family, I knew it would be hard for her to leave them. But she wouldn’t have to do it alone.
I took her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze just as the music shifted to a slow song. A ballad. I pulled her closer to me and held her in my arms, staring into those baby blue eyes.