Page 106 of Wicked Dix
I can’t stop staring at her. She looks incredible, and my hands twitch to touch her. Not trusting myself, I slip my palms into my pants pockets and lower my head as I walk past her. Her sweet fragrance hits me immediately, sending a pang of longing straight to my heart. I focus on passing through the masses without alerting anyone to my internal, raging war.
Thankfully, my colleagues are too busy gossiping about me to realize I’m feet away. We slip out of the room undetected in less than a minute. The elevator ride up to my room is incredibly painful. A cart has never felt so small, and Madison’s rigid stance reveals just how uncomfortable she is finding this entire situation.
I dive out the doors the minute they open, not bothering to conceal the fact that I want this over with as soon as possible. I don’t know what “this” is, but my cynical self knows it’s not good.
Opening the door to my room, I step aside and let Madison in first. She graces me with a strained smile before slipping inside. I follow a second later, hating this doom and gloom.
“Can I get you a drink?” I offer, walking over to the kitchen counter where my half-empty bottle of scotch sits.
“Yes, please.”
Reaching for two glasses, I pour us both a decent amount. I have a feeling we’ll need it.
While waiting, she stands awkwardly in the middle of the living room, her face turned downward. Great, she can’t even bear the sight of me. With that thought in mind, I toss back my drink and pour myself another.
I place her scotch on the coffee table before taking a seat on the sofa, indicating I’m listening. She reaches for the glass and guzzles it down in one gulp. Her repulsed face reveals the drink was simply for courage.
Leaning back, I cross my ankle over my knee, tapping my finger against the side of the glass, waiting for her to speak. The suspense is killing me, and I don’t know how much longer I can last without exploding and demanding what she wants.
“I did it,” she finally confesses in a mere whisper.
“Did what?”
“I told them,” she replies, her long hair covering her downturned face.
She doesn’t need to clarify who she’s referring to. It appears both Madison and I needed the purge. “How’d it go?”
She shrugs, picking at her red nail polish. “Better than I thought it would.”
I breathe out a sigh of relief. “I’m most pleased.” I won’t force her to tell me what happened. This isn’t why she’s here.
“I wanted to thank you for believing in me. If I had told them earlier, things might have been different between us.”
I hate that she won’t look at me. It’s almost more than I can bear. But I understand her distance because confessing this to me is reopening up a part she has almost certainly tried to seal shut.
“It’s okay, Madison. There’s no need to thank me. I’ve always believed in you. I still do.”
She sighs, her hands trembling as she brushes back her hair. I memorize her face because I know what she’s about to do. “I finally feel…free. But one thing is still weighing me down. And I think it always will, but I have to try to let go because if I don’t, I can’t move on.”
When she toys with my mother’s pendant around her neck, I sit up tall, my heart thrashing about inside. Don’t do this,angelo.
But the words get caught in my throat when she looks up and meets my eyes. I can see it. It’s finality. “There’s one more thing I have to do to let go of the past.”
Swallowing hard, I place my glass onto the table and stand with poise. “And what’s that?” She blinks, her chest rising and falling in quick succession.
The air is soaked with a heavy current, but I don’t move because this is her show. Her lips part as the sound of her breathy exhalations fills the air. Still, I remain motionless.
“Tell me,” I demand, my gaze never wavering from hers. My dick begins to stir because I can smell it. I can smellher.
With shaky fingers, she lifts her sundress over her head, kicks off her boots, and stands before me in nothing but her underwear. “You,” she finally reveals. When she reaches behind and unhooks her bra, I know she means that in every literal sense there is.
My body weeps when she drops the bra by her feet. She is magnificent. But when she attempts to shyly cover her breasts, I chastise her. If we’re doing this, then there’s no holding back.
“Don’t deny me that. If you want this, you take all of me.” She understands and drops her hands by her side.
I take a minute to appreciate her entirety. She really is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. All women will pale in comparison to her and the way she makes me feel. But I can deal with my grief later because now, I just want to come.