Page 112 of Wicked Dix
But that person isn’t Duncan. It isn’t anyone.
Wiping at my eye, I squash down such sentimental, silly thoughts as I realize Juliet wasn’t faithful as she claimed she was. No surprises there. This letter is the final piece to close the chapter on what Juliet and I once had. It’snowreally over.
Tucking the letter into my desk drawer, I jot down a note to email a thank-you to Burt. And to also detail which beer I prefer. Looks like I won our bet.
Looking at the clock on my mantel, I see that I have five minutes before my first appointment. I flick through the remaining letters, which are almost all the same except for the one which sits at the bottom of the pile. The moment I see it, I actually feel my heart rip into two.
In my hands I hold a stylish white envelope, but it’s the handwriting and the imagery on the front that has me clenching my hand into a fist, the paper crinkling beneath my firm hold. This can’t be happening. This is surely a dream. There is no way I’m holding what I think this is.
My rasping breaths leave me light-headed and anxious, but as I finger over the small image on the bottom right-hand corner, I know that this symbol is the reason I’m seconds away from losing my shit.
And that symbol is that of two entwined gold wedding bands.
Normally, this would be a harmless image, but nothing about it is harmless when the sender is the love of your life.
However, the love of my life is now the love of someone named Alex’s life, and to celebrate their love, they’ve invited me to their fucking…wedding.
“You don’t even know what’s inside. It could be…”
“Could be what?” I question Finch as I look up at him. I’m currently using my folded arms as a pillow as I sprawl out across the bar.
“It could be an invitation to…the Olympic Games?”
Hunter spits out his beer, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “There’d be five rings—colored rings, I might add—if that were true. Not two gold, very suggestive ones.” He holds up the envelope that has been taunting me all day. “Thisiswhat we all think it is. There’s no denying it.”
“And what’s that?” I ask, a complete glutton for punishment as I eye the notorious envelope.
“This is what you need to get off your ass and fight for her.” He slaps the envelope against the bar, emphasizing his point. “This is just a test.”
But I groan. “No, I’m pretty sure that’s an invitation to Madison’s wedding, not a test.” I blindly reach for my scotch, spilling most of it down the front of my shirt as I refuse to raise my head.
Finch pulls in his lips, appearing concerned as I lightly thump my head on the bar. “Well…fuck that…floozy. I never liked her anyway.”
Hunter once again very ungracefully spits out his beer, while I can’t help but smile. I know he’s only trying to make me feel better. But just when I thought things were finally on the mend, Madison decides to rub my face in her happiness.
Hunter shakes his head. “This is your fault. If you’d just kept a lid on your pussyness and didn’t tell her to go find herself a good man, none of this would have happened. Youarethe good man,Dix. But you have to go and put stupid ideas in her head, and now she’s marrying some asshole who isn’t you.”
I wearily raise my head, ready to defend myself, but stop because I don’t know what to say. Yes, I did tell her that, and I did mean every word. But now that it’s actually happening, I regret every word.
The thought of anyone other than me touching her, kissing her, and fucking…but I stop, as that last thought is too much. The thought of her loving another man, wanting to marry another man, makes me feel sick. I reach for my shot of tequila.
“Why don’t you open it?” Finch suggests.
“What would be the point? I know what’s inside. I don’t need to open it because I’m not going. Actually…” I snatch the envelope from Hunter’s hand and place it in my pocket. “Let’s talk about something else. How’s Heidi?”
The mere mention of Heidi’s name has Finch breaking out into a sickening, ecstatic smile. I drown my pessimism by stealing his beer.
“She’s going really well. Actually, there’s something I wanted to tell you guys.”
Both Hunter and I stop mid-sip and turn to look at him. His ecstatic smile has just transformed into a euphoric smile.
“I don’t get it,” Hunter reveals, shrugging.
But I do. “Holy shit, man. Congratulations!” I slap Finch on the back while he gushes. Hunter, however, is still lost in translation. I decide to put him out of his misery. “Heidi is pregnant, you moron.”
“She’s actually pregnant with twins,” Finch reveals, and my mouth falls open in surprise and happiness.
Hunter finally nods in understanding and elbows Finch in the ribs. “You sly dog. Your little swimmers are on fucking steroids.”