Page 21 of Forbidden Eyes
Carter’s eyes battle to stay locked on my face, but they drop to take in the casual shirt and jeans I’m wearing. “You’ll need a dress. Sophisticated. Knee length. You’re here representing Cane. Don't turn up like a…” He doesn't finish. Doesn't need to. But I can tell he's checking whatever language was about to leave his mouth.
“You have seen my mother, right?”
“So, do you really think I would turn up looking like a slut?" He shifts in his chair again, but I catch the mild lift off his lips. “Or are you just a control freak?”
“Controlling and planning for every eventuality ensures success. I’m very good at success. Extremely focused on that goal.” For the briefest of moments, I catch a burning in his eyes, an intensity that wasn’t there before. It catches my breath, but as soon as I’ve noticed, it’s gone.
He stands, taking his chocolate bar and water to the small bank of seats, which have a table between them. “I have some emails to see to. You can have some time in Miami to get whatever you need before this evening. From four you can shadow me. Seven, dinner. This conversation is done.”
I'm left alone with that statement, and I stare out of the window, confused by him and this trip. I didn’t expect to have to battle with Carter for information. Perhaps he was just being polite last night, but now I’m here, I need to ensure I make the most of every drop of information I can because I get the distinct impression I’ll never get this opportunity again.
We land and a car is waiting, ready to whisk us off to the hotel. It’s attached to the casino—a grand, glass affair, situated overlooking Miami Beach. It towers among similar buildings, all sleek, modern and sexy. The familiar C insignia is displayed for all to see as we approach.
“The driver will take you downtown to wherever you need to go to make your wardrobe work.”
“You’re not coming with me?” He looks over to me, still with an unreadable face.
“You didn’t want me to treat you like a kid. Would you rather I babysit?”
“No, it’s fine. Just a surprise. I’ll be back and ready in time. Just text me the room number. Might as well get on with my errands now.”
We exchange numbers and Carter gets out of the car. “Don’t get into any trouble. Get what you need, and then back.”
“I promise. Shit, wait.”
“If I use my credit card, Dad will know where I am.”
"What do you mean know where you are?"
"I'm… Erm. Uncle Quinn said…" I've got no answer for this. I don't know how much Carter knows, or if I should tell him. His eyes narrow, sharp and aggressive in nature, as if this is the first thing that's interested him about me since we met. And then he stands, obscuring his face for a moment, before leaning back down to look at me.
“Here,” he says, pulling out his black Amex card to hand over. "Go spend."
“You’re buying a few outfits. What damage can you do?”
“Is that a challenge?” I grin up at him, hoping he’ll give me a glimpse of that smile again. No such luck. The only thing I get is seriousness and a frown. “Okay. Thank you. I won’t be long.”
I run my thumb along the raised bumps printed on the card as he turns his back and walks away. Firm strides. Long strides. I watch him go for a moment, transfixed by his frame cutting through the people and his phone going to his ear.
Carter Wade. He’s a complete mystery, but one I’m more than happy to try to solve.
“Neiman Marcus?” I ask the driver.
“Sure, Ma’am.”
It’s a mad dash around the store to collect everything I need, and that’s still a guess. Plus, I don’t want to spend all of Carter’s money. Of course, several hundred dollars on clothes is probably a drop in the ocean for him, but it's not in me to blow someone else's cash.
On the way back to the hotel, I text him with the final amount spent, plus a request for a sandwich to be sent up. I’ve not eaten since breakfast, and there’s no way I’ll survive through until dinner tonight.
Sure, what do you like? We have the penthouse. Tell the desk you’re with the Cane party. You’ll be escorted up.
Wow. Okay. Let’s see how a Cane penthouse stacks up then.