Page 47 of Forbidden Eyes
I stretch my jaw, clenching my teeth, and then step back up in front of him to wait for another if he wants that. I deserve it. Not one part of me feels any fucking remorse other than for the fact that he’s disappointed in me.
“That’s for being fucking stupid,” he snaps. “Taking her to a goddamn deal, and letting the rest of it happen? The hell is wrong with you?”
I crack my jaw again. He can have that. I was stupid. Wouldn’t fucking change it, though. Not now that I have the memory of her lips on mine, her pussy rubbing against me. A grin creeps over my face at the thought, and I watch him so I’m ready for the next punch coming my way.
“Vico’s daughter? You’re being a fucking dick, Carter.” Yeah, maybe. “Of all the women in the world you choose her to play with, you choose my goddamn niece?”
The second hit comes just as violently, and I barely keep myself from hitting the deck this time round. I stumble, my hand bracing me off the floor so I can get back up in his goddamn face again. That fucking hurt more than the last one. I snarl, trying to contain the anger that wants to let loose, and rub my jaw.
“I’m not fucking playing,” I growl, as I spit blood on the floor and wipe the corner of my mouth. "Back the hell off, Quinn, before I lose my shit."
He does. A step, and then another, all the time shaking his hand out, a snarl of his own levelled directly at me. Christ knows what’s gonna happen now. I’ve taken two hits, but I doubt I’ll take another without retaliating. Everything he’s done for me will mean shit if he carries on. He knows it as well as I do. I'm bigger than I was last time he hit me, and a damn sight stronger.
“I taught you better than this, Carter,” he mutters.
I wipe my mouth again. Yeah, he did.
Didn’t stop me, though.
It’s quiet then until he snatches the bottle off the table and huffs. I pace, trying to cool my temper down to manageable, because if he's about to kick off again I'm gonna let loose some of this goddamned frustration.
“Who the fuck dared take her?” he asks.
“Anchov.” He furrows his brow and presses his fingers to his temple, thinking over the potential repercussions.
“How many did you kill?”
Nine at the grounds to get her back, and three others at the deal. Pierre as well.”
His eyes widen at his name, a long fucking sigh coming because of the problems that's gonna cause him. Still, he looks me over, as if checking for damage that isn’t there.
“You alright?”
“And the deal’s straight again?” he asks, taking a drink. “At least tell me you've sorted whatever fucked that up.”
I stare out the window, rubbing my jaw, then pace back over in front of him again. “Yeah. It'll run clean enough. There's a loss, but it's not on us.”
He nods at me.
“I'll call Anchov, smooth it over somehow and keep the information from Vico. We'll cover the loss if needs be.” He offers the bottle to me after he’s finished drinking. My eyes narrow at the offer, not sure what it means. Is it over? Done? “Thankfully I’ve got enough on Chelico to keep this quiet.”
My hand reaches for the bottle, but he snatches it back.
“He’ll fuck you up, Carter. Vico. You go after her and he’ll kill you. You hearing me through that skull of yours?”
I nod, more than fucking aware of that fact. “Yeah, I know.”
My hand reaches for the bottle again to help numb the pain he’s caused, a small smile trying to work out whether she’s worth this pain or not, let alone whether fucking her would be worth dying for. Untouched before me. Innocent, but fiery as hell. I could sicken myself with the thoughts I've had about her so far, all of them drenched in long sessions and her begging for a reprieve. Not that I'd grant it because I know, once I start that kind of crazy, there's no damned way I'll get enough of her.
That kiss was proof enough.
He eventually walks past me, grumbling to himself about something, and leaves me with nothing but a sore fucking jaw and no more words.
“We okay?” I call after him.
His feet stop walking in the corridor and I hear him open the door. There’s silence for a few seconds. The pause stretches and tells me everything I already know. I definitely need to leave for a while. It’ll do me good to clear my head of stupidity and get me back on track. Might keep breathing if I do that.