Page 50 of Forbidden Eyes
His outrage is clear. I should probably be wary, after all, this is Benjamin Vico, but this is yet more fuel for my burning fire against him. Why would he be concerned with where I was if there is no truth to what I’m saying? He’s caught himself in his own words.
“I went to Florida with Carter. It was agreed I could go to the opening of a new Cane Casino. Except things went a little off plan.” My hand rests against my chest, the marks still hidden from sight. I keep the personal details of exactly how off plan to myself. My father is likely going to hunt Carter down after this anyway.
Besides, there is no Carter and me.
Dad paces in a tight circle, his hands raking through his hair. “Your precious Uncle Quinn thought it would be safe, and appropriate, to send his niece off with one of his employees?” He emphasises the last word, dragging it out as if he’s weighing the facts, but I can see the rage he’s biting back.
“As I said, it was a deal. I wanted to see what business he was running as you’ve constantly blocked me from it. I know why now.”
“Have you considered the danger that you're in, just by being my daughter? Do you see that now? Why I must protect you constantly?” His eyes bore into mine, imploring me to see. But I can’t see why he’s done what he’s done to me. Only what he’s built our entire life upon.
“So, you don’t deny it? That you are just a crime lord, profiting from others misfortune?”
One whole minute goes by without him responding. Fury effuses from his stance, and I can see a new mask slipping into place over his features. I've heard it a few times—heard the anger he levels at Mom every now and then, but I've never seen it directed at me. Not truly.
I step back, away from him, glancing at the open door behind him. He wouldn't. I'm sure he wouldn't hit me, but then I've never pushed this hard. I’ve never dared. “Tell me the truth for once, Dad. Are you, or are you not, a crime lord?”
His frown grows deeper, his black holes for eyes almost empty of any sign of life.
“If you’re so determined to look at things this way, then yes. I am Benjamin Vico, and New York is my city. Mine.” My mouth opens, hatred, betrayal, venom and disgust ready to lash back at him. “And don't you dare think that after seeing one small element you can know half of what goes on.”
“How could you?” I scream. “How could you do this to us?” I race towards him with my fists high and pound on his expensive jacket. His words just destroyed the small sliver of my heart that was, stupidly, still waiting for my dad to deny everything and come up with another explanation. Hearing him admit it himself makes it all the more real.
He can’t undo what he’s admitted, and I can’t forget everything I’ve learned.
My fists continue to pound into him, but he just takes it. He takes every hit I give him, all of my anger, all of my hatred and disappointment. “You’ve ruined everything. You’ve made what I wanted to achieve worthless. Do you know that? Worthless. Does Mom know? Of course, she does.”
As if she was listening, Mom comes into the room just as he's beginning to reach for my wrists. “Fia, stop that.”
“No. I won’t.”
“Yes, you will.”
“I hate you. I fucking hate you both for this.”
Even before he says another word, Mom steps between me and Dad. “No, Benjamin,” she snaps out.
He glares at her, then back at me.
“Get out of the way, Hope. If our daughter can’t act like an adult, I’ll treat her like a child.”
Something in me snaps completely, making me push Mom out the way to get in his face again. “Oh great, Dad. Like you have all my life. I don’t think you’d know how to treat me any different.”
“In spite of everything you now seem to know, you still hold that against me? You're precious to me, and that means you're a target.” Emotion is suddenly thick in his words. So much so, it halts my raging fury. “You've always been my weakness. I don’t have weaknesses, Sofia. I can’t afford them.”
“I’m not a weakness, Dad. I’m your daughter and a grown woman. Uncle Quinn treats Logan like a partner. Not a child. Carter trusts me. Why don’t you?”
“Why does Carter trust you? He doesn’t know you.” His eyes narrow on me and for a second, I feel heat flush over my cheeks. That reaction isn’t something that’s easily missed, and Dad’s eyes grow wide as he takes a guess. “Sofia!” he bellows.
“What, Dad?” I cross my arms over my chest in defiance, but internally my heart pounds against my chest as I realise my slip.
“He’s a dead man, Sofia. Mark my words. I’ll cut his fucking eyes out for this and—”
“Dad, no. Nothing happened. He protected me. Kept me safe from the people you do business with. We stayed in the hotel.” My words rush out in panic, my hands flying up in his face as I try to find the right thing to say to stop him flying into even more of a rage.
I look over to Mom, pleading with my eyes for her to rein him in.