Page 97 of Forbidden Eyes
She leaves, shutting the door behind her. The moment she does, I rush to the window, my palms pressed up to the glass to get a better view.
Men surround Carter, but my dad isn’t one of them. My eyes dart around, searching for him, but I can’t see him, and I can’t see where they’ve taken Uncle Quinn either. The sound of guns firing chills me to the bone, and helplessness sweeps over me, my fingers trying to dig into the glass.
I tear myself away and pace the room, worrying my hands as I struggle to keep hold of my fears. A very real fear that my dad will do something that no one can undo. Mom’s words repeat in my head, but staying here won’t help, and I have to try to solve this. He came here for us. We can end this.
As I think over what I can do, a plan of sorts forms in my mind. At least it’s something I can do. I’m not helpless. I started all of this. This is because of me. I heard my father’s booming voice calling us to come down. Surely, if I go down and give myself up, he’ll leave everyone else alone? Gabby and Emily are here. Uncle Quinn needs help. I couldn’t bear it if one of them were to get hurt, more than they already have. Isn’t this what family does? Stand up for one another?
With a deep breath, I steel myself before following Mom downstairs. This might not be what I want, but it’s the only way to end this. He’s left me no choice.
The echo of gunshots leads me closer and closer to the front of the house. Shouts and calls from men fill the air around me, and I follow them outside to where I last saw everyone gathered from the safety of the window. My lips tremble as I attempt to keep a grip on my emotions.
As I peek around the double door, I can see Uncle Quinn propped by the side of the house. Gabby is on the phone crouched next to him, her hands holding tight to the dark stain that's spreading down his leg. Two men stand guarding them, and Logan is only a few feet away. He has his arm up, a gun in his hand, and he seems to be firing at some of the men in suits running around the property. He suddenly doesn’t look like the annoying cousin I’ve always seen him as, rather every bit the Cane he’s been brought up to be.
The distraction doesn’t last long and I’m back to watching each movement, searching for Carter or my dad. The movements are blurs of arms and guns, Uncle Nate flying through my eyeline at one point,his own gun aimed, until I find them. Two men have Carter’s arms pulled to his sides, holding him up towards my dad. I want to run to him. I need to eat up the space between us and help, but that would put us all in jeopardy. Before I can even get my feet to move, Carter shirks the man, twisting out of his reach, then with his now free arm, sinks his fist into his neck. The man stills and then crumbles to the floor. A glint of silver flashes in Carter’s hand as he turns and carries on for the next man, and I realise he has his knife. He’s as ruthless and efficient as ever. Swift and cold. Deadly. Just what he needs to be.
However macabre the scene is, watching Carter—alive—gives my heart a jump start, regardless of his violence, and I venture out into the carnage, keeping my body crouched and low to the ground to avoid being seen. The cars make useful shields, and I rush towards each one, hiding behind them before moving to the next, each time peering around the scene to keep track of Carter.
Dad will be here somewhere. Wherever Carter is, he won’t be far behind. But with Carter in my sight, my focus blurs and doubt creeps into my mind about my plan. I duck behind another car and watch for movement to see Carter now struggling with another man. It’s not Dad, but my heart is in my mouth. For once, I need him to be the ice-cold killer I’ve seen before. When Carter drops the other guy to the ground, I smile in relief. My instinct to stand and rush to him is overwhelming, but before I can, I’m stopped in my tracks. Powerful arms curl around my chest, cutting me from my goal and forcing me backwards. “No, stop,” I scream.
“Stay still. What the fuck are you doing in the middle of this?” Dad’s voice whispers in my ear. "Stupid, Sofia."
“Carter!” I cry in panic, the shock overriding my brain and the reason I ventured out. If I’m with Dad, then he can’t do anyone else harm. I try to squirm in his hold, but his fingers dig in to the point of pain.
Carter’s head whips around in our direction, and he locks eyes on me. His face morphs from the usual calm façade he wears into something twisted and angry. His lips rise as if he's become an angry wolf baring his fangs.
“Vico!” he booms.
For a split moment, everything stops. Time freezes and there are no more guns, no more fighting. The crunch of gravel interrupts us and men begin to shift, ready for more fighting. I can't bear it and I struggle some more, desperate to get out of all of it, but Dad moves, easing backwards and pulling me with him. The moment my feet move, Carter draws a gun and aims it directly at my dad. His hold on me tightens in response, and then his arm is suddenly up and pointing a gun back at Carter.
“No, Dad, please don’t. Don’t… Don’t…” I beg, my body going still. “You can stop this.”
The pounding in my chest starts to ring in my ears as my fear of the situation grips me. Can I go through with this and make sure he leaves everyone else alone?
Will he even let that happen?
I stare, transfixed on Carter, and see Logan stalk towards him, his gun also up and raised in our direction. There are few men still standing, but I can feel people surrounding us, closing in on Dad’s side. Men gather around Carter and Logan as well, and I see Nate moving towards us, Aunt Gabby next to him with a weapon in her hand, too, all of them pointed at us. Who are these people? I can't breathe. The vision of it all, the dead men on the ground, blood and death inching their way closer and closer to me. And at the centre, my dad with a gun aimed at Carter, who has his own pointed back.
I struggle out of sheer panic, my brain a mess of what-ifs, as I try to lock onto any sense of logic around me. There isn't any, though. This is madness. Chaos and…
“Let her go, Vico,” Carter commands, closing the space between us slowly. I brace in Dad’s hold, not sure what's going to happen next.
"She's my daughter. You fucking hearing me? Mine," he snaps, holding me still. “Should have killed you while I had the fucking chance. Ended this.”
“No!” I cry, horrified at what I’m hearing. “Dad, please. Just don’t shoot anyone else. Let’s go. I'll go with you. Please.” My fingers soften on his arm, trying to calm him so we can all leave without any more bloodshed.
“No.” Out of nowhere, Mom steps between Carter and Logan. She looks as fierce as I know her to be, boldly standing in front of a firing squad. “You aren’t going anywhere.” She takes another step towards us. Her eyes look to mine, mouthing an “are you okay,” as if it's all going to be alright. It isn't, but I nod at her, sucking in the tears and emotion that are threatening to take over.
“Hope, I was waiting for you to show your face.” The menace in Dad’s voice sends a river of fear through me, reminding me of the tone he used when he was torturing Carter. “I won’t let you take my daughter.”
“I don’t think you have a choice. Look around you, Benjamin. Stop this before it's too late.” Mom goes for reason, but I know he won’t listen.
“You’re not in any position, Vico. You’ll be dead before you leave with her.” Carter’s words are filled with venom and stir a mixed response from me as I look into his eyes. No matter what he’s done, I’m not sure I want to see my dad killed in front of me.
I start to shake at the confusion, first my head, and then my body seems to take over, vibrating as I stare around at everyone and all the guns pointed at us.
“I came here for my family." He moves me, bitter fingers dragging me towards one of the cars as if I have no choice. "I intend to leave with it. Get your ass in the car,Hope.”
“Fia, look at me.” Mom takes a step in our direction, blocking us from going any further. There's a kind smile across her face, one that wills me to look at her and not what’s happened under our feet. “Look at me.” Another step closer.