Page 37 of A Torment of Sin
“I don’t know. Couldn’t explain it if I tried. Do I need to?”
The jacket gets shrugged from his shoulders and cast to a deep red chair, his fingers rolling up his sleeves reveal lean, toned forearms. “Yes. I like hearing you talk about fucking.”
I smirk in the dim light and watch as he walks to me and holds out a striped, yellow pill.
“I didn’t fuck Malachi.”
“You didn’t?”
“That’s a first.” He looks at my mouth, then back up to my eyes. “Take the pill. Swallow.” Another sly smile crosses my features. Yes. More drugs we can do. I swallow and watch him back off from me, planting himself in the chair to face me. “In case you didn’t know, I like everything about you, Hannah. Your skin, your attitude. The feel of your cunt.”
I almost gasp at the crude word, and then remember where I am and who this man is becoming in front of me. He’s changing, relaxing and giving me his all rather than the brusk, sharp nature I’m used to. I laugh a little and move toward him, intrigued at his smooth baritone lingering in dark corners “Stop where you are,” he murmurs. “Right there in that light.”
I stall slightly, unsure of this new version he’s presenting and how I move around him. “Take the dress off. Slowly. Tease me into fucking you like you did before.” Still I hover, unclear of his intent. And then I laugh lightly and reach for the back of my dress slowly. The intent is to fuck, to wind him up and make him move into me like he always does.
My hips start their rhythm to the dull beat I can still hear through the walls, the chain dangling idly from my wrist, as I pull at the top half of this dress. It falls as easily as it did in the cave, the underlay of fabric slipping over my heated skin like a knife through butter. I step out of it the second it lands, using every muscle I’ve got to weave and tease him into action. Nothing moves him, though. He sits in the shadows as still as a wolf, quiet as a jackal in hiding.
I smile at that and let my body move again. I can dance like this all night if he wants, use myself to indulge the fantasy of him on me. In me. Fingers travel over my throat, breasts, ribs, and my stomach. I trail them and twist, lowering them down to the apex of my thighs to tease myself if nothing else. Everything’s rubbed and caressed, fondled and agitated until I’m moaning under my own torment.
“Fuck yourself,” he says. “Behave like a whore would.” The words stall me, legs stiffening slightly. “Be as dirty as you can be for me. One night.”
A shyness suddenly settles from nowhere and my body seems stuck in stasis. I shake my head to clear it, only to realise it is clear. Crystal clear. The room around me. The feel of my skin under my hands. I lift them up to my face and back up a step from him, shivering slightly for some reason I can’t explain, as I look at my fingers. “I don’t ... don’t know what’s happening.”
I feel different. Insecure and scared about nothing at all. I look back at Gray. Nothing’s changed about him sitting in the dark. Still as moody looking as he was a minute or so ago. Still large against the deep red leather he’s sitting on.
He leans forward into the light, and the shadows over his brow line make him appear menacing and ominous. “It’s time to show me you.” I frown, wondering what he’s talking about. “You. I want to fuck you, not this place.” I swallow again, as I watch his mouth moving around words. “I want the fragile frame who came here, the one who looked like a deer in crosshairs irrespective of her sinister scowl.” I harden my features, annoyed at the term fragile. I’m not fragile. I’m grown. Evolved passed that now. “I’ve taken them away from you now. One pill takes all the others away. There are no pills when we leave. None for you now either. Get used to the feeling again.”
The last of it makes me catch on, and I realise what the sensation coursing through me is. No drugs. Normal. Just me again. A low laugh rumbles through the space around me, echoing off walls and ceilings, as he disappears back into the gloom he came out of. “Keep dancing for me, Hannah. This time with your fingers inside yourself. You want me, proveyoudo.”
Everything inside me waivers and falters, my body showing him that by way of absolute stillness. I frown at myself, irritated by my hesitation and annoyed that he’s made this happen. I didn’t want that. I wanted … What did I want? To bt connected. I wanted him and that connection we share, the brutality and absolute beauty of it.
I blink and stare around the room, part listening to the throng of revellers outside this space still revelling, and part trying to find who I am without the pills inside me. Hannah? He wants Hannah. Who is she? My fingers nervously tap my thigh, searching for meaning and feeling under his stare.
Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
“Stop thinking. Keep evolving for me.”
Those words alone are enough for me to remember the cave, the pool, the icy water rushing over me and the feeling being beneath it. I changed down there. I forgot and forgave myself, found a new me to enjoy and endure. Bubbles floated out of me as if they were old dreams and old memories.
My body starts moving at the thought of it all, music and rhythm flooding me with an inner confidence exceeding what I had before this. I smile and stare into the darkness, searching for his eyes and lips to tempt me forward again. One step, two, and I slither into the dark right in front of him, my hands slowly going back to where they were before he interrupted my mood.
“Good girl,” he murmurs.
Hot. I’m hot again, needy. So needy. I reach into the front of my panties and run a finger through the wet seam already available. One touch and I’m on fire under his watch, ready and willing to do anything for him again.
A sharp, sucked breath comes back at me, as I sink two fingers inside myself and widen my legs for access. Deep. I want deep and dark, torrid and stifling. I knee my leg onto the chair beside him at the thought, the other leg reaching over to sit astride his thighs. Close and connected, drugs or not.
Deeper and deeper I plunge, small jabs and longer ones to ease myself over the cliff I’m trying to ride out. My head tips back, one hand stabilising me on the arm of the chair, as the heel of my palm rubs harder to get me there quicker. Moans and groans fall from my lips, the sound of his breathing making me find a quicker rhythm to follow and squirm under. So close. So very close to falling and not caring for the landing.
A hard slap lands on the side of my face, shocking me, and then another one comes from the other side. “Talk.” My mouth stutters, teeth gritting to find the last of the orgasm climbing through me, and then his heavy hand covers mine to force me still. “You talk, or you don’t come at all.”
I grind myself on his and my own hand, barely able to stop the feeling building in me regardless of his threat. I’m knocked off his lap the second I do it, my arms and legs flailing to the ground beneath his feet. I grunt at the impact, body turning the moment I can to glare up at him. He doesn’t budge an inch, just sits there in his dark corner with nothing but a threat in his eyes and one arched brow.
“Try again, Hannah. Let’s get that pretty mouth moving around some dirt again.”
My head drops, eyes searching the floor for inspiration, as I push myself to standing again. I think back to the shower, to the way he handled me and forced me against that wall. I can still feel the creak of my bones as he did, the pain in my back.