Page 9 of Switch Back
“Have you and Alex been friends long?” I ask.
“Since freshman year of high school.”
“That’s great you guys are still so close.”
“Yeah, I’d hate for anything or anyone to get in the way of that friendship,” he says, his tone doing little to hide the veiled warning.
I want to tell him that he doesn’t have anything to worry about with me and Alex. I’m only going to be here for a week and this time is meant to get to know my biological family. Not to hook up with one of my brother’s hot friends—even if he smells like fresh laundry and the forest all rolled into one delicious scent.
The elevator doors open, and I’m surprised to find that it opens right into the Davenport apartment. Luca and Roman exit first and each go off in a different direction, leaving me to fend for myself. I step out of the elevator and into the large hardwood foyer. Once again, I’m a bit disappointed that my parents aren’t here to greet me.
“Where is she?” I hear a woman ask, followed by the hurried clicks of her heels coming towards me.
Cynthia rounds the corner, in a sleek dress looking like she is about to go out to some fancy event.
“Rosemary.” She smiles brightly in a familiar way that I’m not sure how I recognize it. “You’re finally here.”
She opens her arms for a hug, but before I can move she seems to think better of it and reaches out to pat my shoulder.
“Thank you for allowing me to come stay with you.”
The brightness of her smile dims slightly. “Of course, you are always welcome.”
A plump older woman approaches and picks up my suitcase without saying a word. I look to Cynthia for some explanation.
“That’s Helen our housekeeper,” she says. “She’s just putting your suitcase in Hazel’s room. That’s where you’ll be staying.”
“Is, um—” I look around again, struggling to find the right way to call my biological father. Mr. Davenport sounds too formal but calling him Dad just doesn’t feel right.
“Scott she’s here!” Cynthia calls out over her shoulder.
Scott rounds the corner in a charcoal suit and a cellphone to his ear. “Thanks for taking care of that, Alex,” he says before hanging up.
I can’t help the flutter in my chest at just the mention of Alex’s name. He’d told me in the car about the fact that he was working for Scott’s campaign. I guess he must be pretty important.
“Rosemary,” he says wrapping an arm around Cynthia. “We are so pleased that you’re here.”
His tone is lighter than the last time I’d seen him at the hospital. Maybe he’s had some time to wrap his mind around the situation? Or he’s really mastered that politician voice that’s used to put constituents at ease when they are talking to you.
Scott and Cynthia lead me into the apartment and I’m stunned by the view. The whole back wall is floor to ceiling glass windows that overlooks the water. I look around at the pristine, almost unlived in feel of the apartment. It’s beautiful with its open concept living area, but I can’t help but feel like I’m in a museum and not someone’s home.
“Can we get you a drink or something to eat?” Scott asks.
“I’ll hold off for dinner. Thank you.”
Cynthia and Scott exchange a look that I can’t read.
“The thing is,” Cynthia begins. “As you know, Scott is running for governor and we received a last-minute invite to an event by one of his big donors.”
I glance down at their clothes again and the light bulb clicks in my head.
“Oh, you’re going out tonight.”
“We are sorry about this, Rosemary,” Scott adds. “We wanted to spend the evening getting to talk with you, but duty calls.”
I feel a tightness in my throat at the disappointment that this change of events has made, but I don’t want them to know. So, I smile brightly and shrug.
“That’s fine. Duty calls.”