Page 36 of Saving Drew
“Did you just say floozy?”
“I did.”
“No one says floozy anymore.”
She lifted her chin, the movement making her head tilt back and the creamy skin of her neck catch his eye. “My mother says floozy. And so do I.”
He ran the back of his fingers across her neck and cupped her cheek. Her body shivered.
“And now you’re just distracting me.” She took his hand in hers and kissed the inside of his palm. Her lips on his skin lit a fire inside him.
“I heard every word. The movies I’ve gone my whole life thinking were sports films are really chick flicks.”
She laughed at that as she scooted up on the sofa and curled up in his lap, her arms around his neck.
“Not chick flicks. I’m only pointing out that if the woman behind the man isn’t supportive, doesn’t believe in him, then he won’t succeed.”
Never had a he heard a truer statement. And the woman in his arms was proving more and more to be the exact woman for him.
Drew grunted ashe pushed the bar from his chest, the last rep in a set of bench presses. It was the end of his workout for the day with Tyler and yet another good day all around. Even though he’d gotten home late from Baylee’s house, he popped out of bed that morning ready to work hard. Energized more than before, he faced each day with hope now instead of dread. All Baylee’s doing. The woman had turned his life upside down and he couldn’t remember being happier.
Tyler helped him place the bar back on the rack. Drew sat up and wiped his face with a towel then draped it over his neck.
“You ever think about Adrian in the Rocky movies?”
Tyler sat on the bench beside Drew and looked at him like he’d grown a second head. At six foot five with cocoa-colored skin and made of solid muscle, the man was intimidating to say the least. The confused look on his face was almost comical.
“I mean, that the movies are really almost romances? Rocky doesn’t truly focus until he has Adrian’s support.” Drew tried to explain himself but only succeeded in making things worse.
“Did you take the wrong vitamins this morning or something? You sound crazy.” Tyler’s scrunched brow smoothed out as he said, “Or maybe there’s a girl in the picture now? I see.” He nodded. “That explains you throwing better.”
“I never said there was a girl.”
He trusted Tyler. They were good friends. But he was being uber careful about whom he told about Baylee. He’d already thought of what would happen if the press or anyone on social media found out about them. Once that cat was out of the bag, he wasn’t sure what could go wrong. No. He wanted to control what was known and when. He had to protect her and Casey.
“Whatever, dude. If you do though, and she’s the reason you’ve got your head screwed on straight again, then I like her already.” Tyler stood and patted him on the shoulder. “But remember, in the Rocky movies, Mickey also said that women weaken the legs. You got a girl now that’s making you happy? I’m happy for you. But don’t lose focus. You need it more than ever now.” He wiped his forehead with a towel and tossed it in the laundry basket by the locker room. “I’m hittin’ the showers. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Drew nodded. Tyler was right. Drew couldn’t lose focus. Not now. There was too much at stake. But meeting Baylee had brought his world into better focus. She brightened everything. Sure, he thought about her 24/7, but like the movies, with her backing him, his confidence was returning. His pitches were less wild and his velocity was improving daily. He wasn’t worried about her weakening his legs. He was worried about having to leave her behind when he went to spring training. Baseball players were superstitious creatures. She was his good luck charm. He needed her, in every way. In the blink of an eye he’d gone from wanting her around to needing her. Not just because he was throwing better, but because she made life better. Everything was more real with Baylee. He didn’t want to lose that. He didn’t want to lose her. But as spring training crept closer, so did his fear that things couldn’t be this good much longer.
The tinkling ofthe bell over the bakery door made Baylee look up. She was behind the counter, frosting cupcakes. A smile crossed her face when she saw it was Kate. The bakery was empty at that moment. Not unusual for a Tuesday afternoon. Mornings were her busiest time. People stopping in to meet for a pastry with friends. Others grabbing a dozen donuts or cookies for a work event. Or tourists wanting a taste of local food. The afternoons were mainly those wanting a sweet after having lunch somewhere, or people picking up a dessert to have after dinner.
She glanced at her watch. It was already two. Closing time was in an hour. The days were flying by. Her mind now almost always on Drew, she found herself humming as she moved around the kitchen, frosting treats. They’d spent Sunday evening together as well as all day the day before and last night. He didn’t go home until late, but she didn’t care. She’d had no trouble getting up when her alarm went off. Memories from the weekend together filled her with a joy she hadn’t had in a long time. It gave her what she needed to get going.
“Based on that grin on your face, I’d say you’re as knee-deep in this thing as my brother is.”
Baylee shook her head and laughed at her friend. “It’s good to see you too.”
Kate stood on the other side of the counter from Baylee. “Those cupcakes look divine. I’m still working off all the ones I ate at my wedding.”
“You want one?”
“No, thanks. But I will take some coffee and a piece of coffee cake if you have any left. Along with a few moments to chat. I haven’t really seen you since I got home from the honeymoon.”
“I would love that. Give me just a sec.”