Page 2 of A Recipe for Romance
The song had changed and a group of people were line dancing, two of them men from the table she’d glanced at earlier. The one who had looked her way had his back to her, his sandy blond hair cut neat, black dress slacks, and a white button-down forming to his body as if made for him and him alone. He was dressed way too nice for a saloon.
She could tell by his body language he was not enjoying the line dancing as much as his friend beside him. Four women stood in a line in front of them, trying to teach them the steps. Not to mention making sure each guy had a good view of their backsides.
“See? We could do that,” Holly offered.
Do what? Wave our butts in front of guys?Noelle snickered to herself.
“And it would give you the chance to get close to the guy you’re checking out.”
Noelle’s cheeks flushed with heat as she turned back toward her sister, who was now looking quite smug.
“I was doing no such thing!”
“I believe she doth protest too much.” Holly winked and sipped her whiskey.
“Ugh. Again, remind me why I hang out with you?”
“Because you love me. Because we’re related and because…” The flow of Holly’s words stopped when Noelle lurched forward, her wineglass in hand and her drink spilling onto the bar then dripping onto Holly’s jeans.
Noelle set her glass down, grabbed napkins, and handed them to Holly who swiped her pants a few times then started mopping up the bar.
“Oh man, I am SO sorry! My buddy and I have two left feet here.”
Noelle turned to see the guy she’d been ogling—damn Holly for being right again—next to the friend he’d been attempting to line dance beside.
“Let me help you.” Cute Guy’s friend reached for more napkins and helped Holly with the rest of the mess.
“It’s really fine. The bar took the brunt of it.” Holly smiled. “No harm, no foul.”
“The least we can do is get you another glass of wine.” Cute Guy waved to the bartender then pointed at Noelle’s glass. All she could think was his voice was like scotch: smooth and rich. Deep, with a timbre that sent warmth all the way to her toes.
Unsure of how she found her voice she said, “It’s okay. Really. I only drink one glass and I was almost done.”
“You’d taken two sips,” Holly offered. “Let the nice man buy you a drink.”
“Or even better, ask you to dance.” Cute Guy’s friend jumped in with a grin that told Noelle something more than a dancing misstep was going on.
Cute Guy nodded. “Would you like to dance?” He held his hand out to her, but Noelle could only stare.
“I’m not so sure you guys are safe to dance with,” Holly teased as she eyed the now empty wineglass on the bar.
Cute Guy’s friend laughed. “Lucky for us, it’s a slow song now. We’re a guarantee there. Just no more line dancing.” He winced and shook his head.
Holly laughed, hopped off her stool, and strolled to the floor without looking back.
Cute Guy hadn’t taken his eyes off Noelle. “Well, what do you say?” He tilted his head, his hand still outstretched, waiting for hers.
Wes was surprisedshe’d said yes. As he led her to the dance floor, he thought for sure she’d turn him down. He’d noticed her the second she’d walked into Grey’s. To say she was giving off a vibe of wanting to be anywhere but in a saloon on a Saturday night was an understatement. Hell, he was questioning it himself. But he’d let his brother, Mike, and their buddy, Jeff, who lived in Marietta, talk him into a drink or two.
She wasn’t insecure by any means. With great posture and a high sense of self-awareness, she moved like someone who was used to being watched. Someone who’d performed on stage before. By the way she walked, he’d guess she was a dancer.
No, any hesitancy she had was in her eyes. Someone or something had taken a bit of that swagger and brought it down a notch. It was as if her light had been dimmed. And even though he couldn’t explain it, everything in him wanted to know why.
He held her close, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other holding her hand. They moved to the beat of the music, falling in step with one another with ease, the singer crooning about doing things right with the woman in his arms.
“You’re a good dancer,” she said.