Page 18 of Making a Cowgirl
“I’m going back. I don’t feel like going riding anymore.”
“I’m sorry!” she called after her.
It wasn’t even really Brielle’s fault. Sarah had messed up big-time, all in an effort to prove that nobody could control her like her parents tried to. Who was she kidding, like her parents did. How embarrassing that she’d acted out so irrationally and gotten involved with the wrong people. This was why she refused to tell anyone about what she’d done. She’d made a mistake and now everyone would look down on her. And it could potentially irritate her parents if they found out. Would they disown her? Would it harm their business? She didn’t know, and she didn’t want to find out. For some reason, she was terrified of them learning about her mistakes.
She shut her eyes tight, and one tear slipped down her cheek. Thankfully the horse seemed to know where they were heading because the trail blurred in front of her. This was all her fault. She thought about how she’d acted since coming to Slate Rock Ranch. She hadn’t exactly been trying to fit in here. She hadn’t been kind to Dax, and she’d shut herself off from Brielle, too. The only thing that Brielle knew about her was the fact that she’d been part of the crew who had done damage here in town. Everyone else who had participated were faceless, nameless people.
If she wanted to make a change and try to fit in here for the remainder of the summer, she needed to make a better effort. That meant she’d have to open up a little more with Brielle. She’d like to have at least one person she could count on. With a renewed surge of energy, she brushed at her damp cheeks and straightened her back.
At some point she’d gotten more secure in the saddle. Her tears no longer threatened to escape, and the sun was sinking lower in the sky. Shouldn’t she be getting closer to the ranch? There were still no buildings in sight.
That familiar feeling of anxiety flooded her chest. Weren’t horses trained to return home? That was a thing, wasn’t it? She turned in her seat, looking backward but didn’t see any signs of the trail forking in any other direction. Nor did she see it in front of her.
She patted her jacket pockets for her phone, but they were empty. Where was it? She never left anywhere without it. If it fell out of her pocket at some point, how was she supposed to find it? Sarah pulled on the reins, stopping her horse.
Calm. She needed to remain calm. She could figure this out. At least she wasn’t back home in the swamps where alligators could get her.
Somewhere far off the sound of a coyote howled.
Sarah jumped and a squeal escaped her throat. The horse shifted beneath her, growing restless. She moved forward a step, but Sarah pulled on the reins again. She should call for Brielle. Or anyone who might be close enough to hear.
She took in a deep breath and hollered, “Bri!”
Without warning, the horse lurched forward from beneath her. She lost her grip on the reins and slipped off the back of the saddle, landing on her back and hitting her head on the dusty trail with a whomp. Stars floated around her head and she couldn’t breathe. Her lungs burned as she gasped for oxygen to fill them, but they wouldn’t budge. Her fingers clawed into the dirt until she could roll onto her side. Finally, she was able to suck in a breath, but the dust filled her throat, causing her to cough uncontrollably.
When she was able to lift her head to search for her horse, she wasn’t surprised to find that the animal had completely disappeared. Sarah could have cried if she hadn’t expended those tears earlier. Why did everything seem to feel like it was only getting worse? Why was the universe working against her when she was trying to do the right thing?
Sarah collapsed onto her back, resting her hand on her stomach as she stared up at the sky. This had to be karma. Her mother had always told her if she didn’t behave or if she treated her mother with disrespect, bad things would happen to her.
For once her mother might have been right.
There was no way she would be able to get to her feet and walk home right now. She needed a break first. Her lids were heavy, and the pounding in her head only made her feel sick to her stomach. She’d just close her eyes for a few minutes and then she’d figure out which direction to go.
Dax hung up the lead rope on a hook near the others, then pulled his leather gloves from his hands. The sound of horse hooves plodding on the ground drew his attention and he glanced over his shoulder.
Brielle wandered into the barn, leading her horse. He knew that grumpy expression. She didn’t want anyone to speak to her. And if anyone did, they’d likely get their head bitten off. He faced her and headed in her direction.
His lips pulled into a smile. “Looks like you didn’t enjoy your ride. I told you Sarah isn’t as pleasant as you thought she was. Maybe she’s better in small doses?”
“Just knock it off, Dax, will you? She’s been through a lot.”
“So you’ve said. Only you won’t tell me any of the details.”
Brielle shouldered past him. “She’s got a right to her privacy just like you do. I don’t ask where you disappear to whenever you go flying down that dirt road toward town.” She led her horse into its stall and commenced unsaddling the animal and removing the reins.
Dax glanced toward the door, still not seeing Sarah. “Did she really get that far behind? I knew she wasn’t ready for a long horse ride. She needs to build up more confidence.”
Brielle stiffened visibly. She turned toward him, her face as white as a sheet. “Sarah isn’t back yet?”
His brows furrowed. “No,” he drawled. “She was supposed to be with you, remember?”
Her hands shook as she snatched the reins she’d deposited on the hook by the stall door. “Oh no. No, no, no. She was supposed to be back hours ago.”
Dax’s head swung back toward the barn door. Something wasn’t right. His whole body felt tight, like he’d been restrained with little ability to move. He darted into the stall as Brielle fumbled with getting the saddle back on her horse. He grasped her upper arms. “What happened?”