Page 48 of Making a Cowgirl
“What is it?” Alarm laced Dax’s words and he glanced over his shoulder in the direction she focused on.
There was nothing there. A figment of her imagination, maybe? Someone peeping on what was supposed to be their first kiss? Either way, the shadows were empty now. She met Dax’s worried stare. “It’s nothing, really. Can we please go back inside?”
He nodded, though he didn’t look at all convinced. She forced a smile, jittery and on edge. Disappointment was a present emotion as well. Another potential romantic moment had slipped away.
It didn’t matter what Sarah said; Dax knew deep in his gut that something was off. There had been terror in her gaze he’d never seen before—not even when she’d nearly been trampled. Sarah was scared, but of what he had no idea.
The only way to find out would be to get her to say it, but how was he supposed to convince her to talk when she clearly wanted nothing more but to forget what she’d seen.
Dax glanced back toward the shadows. Five steps away. He could cross that distance in fewer strides. Had she seen someone there? He should just drop it, but there was this feeling he couldn’t shake. He needed to know.
Sarah strode through the doors to the dance floor, and his steps slowed. One more glance in her direction and he shot toward the corner of the building.
At the far side of the wrap-around porch, someone darted around the other corner. The figure was tall and slim, but that was all Dax could make out. Male or female, he wouldn’t be able to pick them out in a lineup.
A tightness constricted his chest. He could cross that distance in a matter of seconds even with the peeping Tom’s head start. Whoever it was had startled Sarah, and she deserved an apology. He moved forward, but Sarah’s voice stopped him.
“Dax? What are you doing?” Timid and unsure, Sarah hovered in the doorway.
He glanced once more where the figure had disappeared. He wasn’t here to chase down miscreants. He was here to be with Sarah, and their romantic moment had already been lost. He took in a steadying breath, willing his heart rate to settle. The blood pulsing through his veins had been prepared, his fight or flight response triggered.
Sarah’s nervous gaze grounded him, and he flashed her a smile. “Would you like to dance again?”
She shook her head. “Actually, can we go home?”
Dax reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “Whatever you want.”
Just like the previous times when she’d been in trouble, he knew he needed to be there for her now. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and shield her from whatever it was that made her hands shake and her jaw tremble.
An upbeat country song played inside, and all the dancers were moving with more energy. Sarah pressed up against him, clinging to him as if her life depended on it. She was definitely not fine.
By the time they made it into the parking lot, his hand ached from her holding it so tight. Her eyes darted back and forth, shifting with each sound they heard. He picked up his pace and walked her straight to his truck to get settled, then he got in behind the wheel.
Dax faced her, waiting for her to focus on him. She stared straight ahead, her whole body tense. “Sarah.”
She jumped. “What?”
“You’re not fine.”
“I don’t see why that would matter to you.”
Her words struck him harder than he’d expected. A back-handed retort was on the tip of his tongue, but he knew that wouldn’t do him any good. Instead, he took another deep breath. “What did you see back there?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Clearly, it does.”
She blew out a frustrated breath. “I’m seeing things. That’s all.”
Except she wasn’t. He’d seen the figure escaping plain as day. Whatever reason she had for lying to him wouldn’t do her any good. “I can help.”
Sarah shook her head. “No, you can’t. This is my problem, and I’m going to deal with it the way I feel is best.”
His jaw clenched. Why did she have to be so dang stubborn? Hadn’t he proven that he could be there for her when she needed him to? Why was she holding back?