Page 54 of Making a Cowgirl
“You’re not ready.”
“No. I’m not. I have zero interest in the white picket fence and a house filled with little kids.” She made a face.
“You don’t have to get married. Just because you’re second in line doesn’t mean it’s up to you to say ‘I do.’”
Brielle rolled her eyes. “You know my dad better than most. What doyouthink would happen if, say, Constance decides she wants to get married? My dad is stuck in the stone age. There’s no way he would let Constance go out and start dating someone when he only wants one of us out in the dating scene at a time.”
“That didn’t stopyou. I seem to recall that you dated plenty of people under your father’s nose, myself included, before Adeline got married to Sean.”
She rolled her eyes. “What doyouthink? Is Connie the type to go against Dad’s wishes?” Brielle made a good point. Constance was probably the most well-behaved of the lot. She wouldn’t go and get into a mess like falling in love with a guy before it was her turn.
“What if you got married just to—”
“Hear me out. Like a marriage for—”
“If you say convenience, I’ll slap you right here and now.” She gave him a pointed look. “I may not be ready to get married, but I won’t do it just so my sisters can have their turn. When I marry, it will be because I love the guy more than I’m terrified of everything else. It will be because he will look at me like I’m the only thing worth caring about in the world. And it will be because I want to be with him forever.”
He offered her a wry smile. “Who knew you were such aromantic?”
Brielle slugged him in the shoulder. “Don’t you start.” She turned, her focus on Sarah again. “I want what you guys seem to have found.”
A pleasant warmth coursed through his body, and he turned his attention toward Sarah. It was funny that Brielle had noticed whatever it was he had found with Sarah, though he didn’t know if he was strong enough to label it with that formidable “L” word.
His heart leaped into his throat. Was that what this was? He wanted to be with her for the long haul. He was willing to share things about his life with her that he kept private from others. And he knew if it came down to it, he’d risk his own life for hers.
Was that love?
His throat closed up as his eyes continued to follow Sarah. She moved closer to the horse, speaking softly to the animal. She rubbed the horse’s nose and then patted her neck, giving the animal a preliminary rubdown. Sarah was so completely in her element with this yearling, he knew if she stayed, he’d have to figure out a way for her to get a horse of her own.
Dax shot a look in Brielle’s direction, surprised to find her staring at him with the smuggest expression he’d ever seen. “What?”
“You’re in love.”
He swung his focus toward Sarah. “Maybe I am.”
“Nomaybes, buddy. You’re inlove.” She let out a laugh. “You’re in trouble, too, ’cuz if she moves—” Her features sobered. “Sorry. Do you think you would move with her?”
Dax shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess we have to see if it comes to that.” He ducked down and stepped through the corral fencing.
Brielle’s hand shot out and touched him. “Dax?”
“Word of advice? Make sure you tell her. Don’t wait. The sooner she knows, the better. That way she can make plans too. There’s nothing worse than being blindsided with information like that.”
“We haven’t been dating that long. I’m not going to give her an ultimatum.Thatwould be a bad idea.”
“No one said you had to give her an ultimatum. You just need to be very clear about what you want and how you feel. Don’t hold anything back. That sort of thing can hurt you more than you realize.”
“Thanks for the advice,” he muttered.
“I mean it, Dax. No secrets.”
Her final words gave him pause and he shot a surprised look in her direction. Did she know about his AA meetings and why he went? Did she know that he’d nearly killed someone with his stupid mistakes? He nodded, feeling a little sick to his stomach. If she knew, would she admit to it? Or even worse, would she tell Sarah?