Page 7 of Making a Cowgirl
“Seriously. Are you trying to mess with me? Do you get some sick pleasure from always hanging around me?”
This time his brows furrowed. “Is that how you treat the person who saved your life?”
A blush flashed across her whole body and she looked away. There was no telling what would have happened if he hadn’t stepped between her and that charging horse. Today had to be the worst day of her life. Well, second to the day the sheriff had pulled her over. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Thank you.” As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t keep the begrudging tone out of her voice.
The front door opened. Then the storm door screeched as it swung open and banged closed, revealing Zeke. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his face looked lined and tired. He glanced from her to the cowboy. “What happened, Dax?”
Dax. That’s right. That was his name.
Dax pulled off his hat and ran a hand through his dark hair before returning his hat. “One of the wranglers didn’t have a good hold on his yearling, and it got loose. For some reason, it took a shine to Sarah here. It nearly trampled her.”
“I got to her in time.”
Zeke’s gaze landed on Sarah again. “And you’re okay?”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” she said with exasperation. “I’mfine.”
“She’s lying, sir. She nearly collapsed from a panic attack and I’m assuming a mild case of hyperventilating.”
Zeke frowned. “Is this true, Miss Newton?”
Sarah broke eye contact to give Dax a dark look. “Yes, sir,” she mumbled. “But I’m sure I’ll be ready to head back out there after—”
“You’re not going out there anymore today.”
Zeke held up his hand. “If Michael—your uncle heard about this, I’m sure he’d give me an earful if I let you get back to work. No. Don’t the two of you have a lunch planned today?”
Her first meeting with the sheriff. She’d hoped they’d all forget so she could avoid it. But that wasn’t going to happen. Not with so many people tasked to look out for her best interests. She sighed. “Yes, we do.” She stared at the lines on her hands. Anything to keep her from looking into the dark eyes of the guy who both saved her and turned her in.
“Then when you’re settled, Dax here can drive you to town.”
Her head snapped up and she gaped at Zeke. “But—I’m more than capable of driving—” The look he gave her was enough to make a charging stampede reconsider their plans and turn in the other direction. Of course he wouldn’t want her to borrow one of his vehicles. Shewasa criminal. But to have Dax take her?
Why did the universe hate her so much today? For heaven’s sake, she wished she could just catch a break. Sarah gave him a sharp nod. “Okay.”
“Sir?” Dax’s hard voice drew her attention. His features gave away how much he didn’t want to be her chaperone. Here it was. If he refused, then Zeke would have to find someone else to take her. That or let her finally borrow a truck. “We need to reevaluate what you’re willing to let Sarah do at the ranch. She shouldn’t be given tasks that she isn’t equipped to handle.”
Zeke glanced at her momentarily, and yet again, her flushed skin gave her away. “What are you suggesting?”
Dax didn’t even bother looking in her direction. “She needs to be trained better. You can’t just expect her to know how to do things with a quick overview of the task at hand. She needs to know what to do in an emergency. And she’s far too scared to gather the eggs. Have Eloise keep doing that.”
Zeke’s lips twitched. “If you want Eloise to be the one gathering eggs, you’re going to have to break the news yourself. I’m not doing it.” He met Sarah’s confused expression. “What do you think, Sarah. Do you agree with Mr. Heaton here?”
She blinked. “Agree with what? That I’m not a good rancher?”
Zeke chuckled. “No. Do you agree that you require better training? You’re the only one who can decide that.”
Oh, she wanted more than anything to tell the two of them that she could handle anything thrown her way. But there was no point in lying. They knew she wasn’t ready to be a ranch hand. She’d grown up in a rich family with a housekeeper, tutors, and several other people who did things for her. The only thing she’d insisted they let her learn was driving. She refused to be the only person in her group of friends who didn’t know how to drive.
The irony of this situation was not lost on her. She sat here, with two strangers making decisions about her life. How was that any different than the people at home doing the same thing? She’d gone to college to get away from that. She’d gotten into trouble with those guys she’d brought to Copper Creek because it had made her feel empowered and like she was in control of her own life.
Now she was right back where she’d started. She wasn’t in control of her life. Not really. Sarah sighed. “I think some additional training would be nice.” No, she wouldn’t be getting paid for any of it. But maybe she could avoid the chickens and charging animals.
Zeke turned to Dax. “Well, I suppose you’ve got a new protégé, son.”