Page 80 of Making a Cowgirl
Sarah turned to find Brielle and her younger sister Constance heading their way. “Yep. Dax pulled some strings.”
Brielle glanced at Dax with a smile. “He has a tendency to do that.”
“What are you guys up to?”
“Connie’s horse is pregnant and the vet is stopping by. The stubborn girl hates being moved, but she’s probably close to giving birth and we need her in an open space.”
Sarah turned to Constance. “That’s exciting. I’ve never seen a birth before.”
Constance grimaced. “It’s not as great as you think it is.” She got elbowed by Brielle.
“You only say that because the last one you saw went badly.”
Constance’s features darkened. “If your first birth ended in the baby dying, you wouldn’t be so excited either.”
Sarah’s eyes widened. “It died?”
Constance nodded, pushing her hands into her pockets. “I think it wasn’t very healthy to begin with. That coupled with a rough birth and the poor thing just wasn’t strong enough to survive.”
“That’s terrible!” Sarah’s eyes darted from each person in their group. “Does it happen often?”
“Not since Dr. Pratt came back from college. He’s got to be one of the top veterinarians in the country.” Constance smiled. “He’s cute, too.”
Brielle rolled her eyes. “He’s a little stuck up. And he’s got a bit of a God complex if you ask me.”
Constance sighed. “You don’t even know him.”
“I know that we’re probably just as good at birthing horses as he is. Just because he went to school doesn’t mean he knows more than us.”
Constance snickered. “I don’t think you quite understand how going to school works.”
Brielle huffed but didn’t offer a retort.
A white truck pulled up onto the property and they all turned toward it. A young man emerged from the Ford and waved to them. His dark hair and bronze skin were the only distinguishing features Sarah could see from this distance. Constance shifted, her voice lowering. “I told you he was cute.”
She hurried toward the truck, leaving Brielle with Sarah and Dax.
“I’m with Bri. I don’t see anything special about him.” Dax’s contribution to the conversation caused the girls to laugh.
“See? Dax gets it.” Brielle folded her arms, watching as the vet and Constance headed for the barn. “Anyone who thinks they’re better than someone else just because they can put the word doctor in front of their name needs to be put in their place.”
“What happened, Bri? Did you and the doctor date or something?” Sarah asked.
Dax laughed. “You have no idea—” He grunted when Brielle’s elbow lodged into his stomach. His coughs almost covered up Sarah’s next question.
“You dated him?”
“I may have gone on a few dates with the guy.”
“Try dated him for a couple weeks.”
Sarah turned wide eyes to where Constance and Dr. Pratt disappeared in the shadow of the barn. “Does Connie know?”
Brielle snorted. “Why would that matter?”
“She obviously has a huge crush on him.”
Brielle stiffened. “What? No, she doesn’t. She would have said something.”