Page 29 of End Game
She withdrew her mouth and sat up, positioning herself over his cock. He’d never been more glad they’d stopped using condoms. Alexa couldn’t get pregnant, and they’d both undergone a thorough STD panel when she’d moved into the house. He hadn’t been worried, but she’d insisted, wanting to make sure they were starting fresh.
It was hard to imagine a feeling more exquisite than sliding into her skin on skin, than knowing there was nothing between them.
She positioned him at her entrance, the heat of her core almost painful against his engorged head, and he grabbed onto her hips, savoring the soft flesh in his hands.
She lowered herself onto him slowly, taking him in inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt inside her softness.
He groaned, looking at her through hooded eyes.
She bent over his body, kissing him while her body stretched to accommodate him. His tongue in her mouth while he was inside of her never failed to excite him, and he lifted his head to meet her.
She held his face in her hands and spoke against his mouth. “I’d give everything up all over again.”She looked at him, her blue eyes bright even in the dim light leaking into the room from the marina. “Everything. For this. For us. Do you understand?”
He did because he would have given up everything too, had been prepared to give up everything when Ronan found out about their relationship.
“I understand,” he said.
“Good.” She leaned back and he sank another inch inside her.
She started to move, her hips rocking against his, slowly at first and then faster, both of them eager to reach a shared release.
He wanted to freeze time, to memorize the way she looked, naked and glorious, hair spilling over her breasts, nipples pink and hard with arousal.
Her breath hitched and she moved faster, grinding her hips against his, seeking friction on her clit as he impaled her again and again. He slipped a hand between their bodies, found the little seed, and stroked it with the pad of his thumb.
She inhaled sharply. “Oh god… Nick…”
She used her hands against his stomach to gain leverage, lifting off him until he was barely inside her and plunging down onto him fast and furious, eyes closed as she reached for her orgasm.
“I’m going to come,” she gasped.
The words were like kerosene on the inferno already burning in his body. He forced himself to hold back, to wait until she tipped over the edge.
“Come for me, beautiful. I want to watch you.”
She cried out when the orgasm took hold, the contractions shuddering through her body. He held onto her hips, forcing his cock through her tightening channel as it clamped down on his shaft.
He hardly recognized the sound of his voice as his own orgasm took over, pulling him into the abyss with Alexa as they rode the wave of their climax, let it wash over them again and again, neither of them wanting it to end.
When the tremors passed, he sat up until her breasts were pressed against his chest.
“I love you, Lex.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly against him as he showered her shoulders with kisses. “I want to wish I’d never done this to you, but I can’t. I can’t.”
She bent her head to kiss him. “Neither can I.”
He held her close and tried to imprint the moment on his mind, the feel of her, naked and soft, in his arms. The smell of their lovemaking. The knowledge that she was safe.
That she was his.
He tried not to think about Matis Juska or theWalkers. Most of all he tried not to think about Erno Kovaks, about the warning in his eyes when he’d sat across from Nick in the dive bar.
Imagine all the things you think he will do. Then think of the things you cannot imagine, the things you are afraid to imagine.
Alexa navigated through the streets of Boston on the way to her parents’, relieved to be alone. After what had happened at MIS before the Gibraltar trip, Nick would hardly let her go to the bathroom alone. He, Ronan, and Declan were with her at all times, the one exception being her weekly brunch with her parents.
Nick hadn’t wanted an exception, any exception, but she wasn’t ready for him to meet her parents. She still had no idea how to explain the investigation into Nick’s business, or how much to tell them about that business. Nick had enough on his plate without having to play Meet the Parents. There would be plenty of time for building bridges later, after they’d dealt with the Walkers.