Page 16 of The Beauty in Grace
Reminded of her food, Marcy climbs off the bed and makes her way back to her own plate, picking it up. She follows me out of the room with it and takes a seat at the dining table just off the edge of the adjacent kitchen. The pan is still on the stove with the ladle sticking out of it. I guess Marcy thought I would be coming out for food sooner or later. Pulling open a cupboard, I reach up and take out a bowl, stepping back to the pan to spoon in the cold noodles, sauce, and meatballs. I look around and find the Tupperware bowl of leftover garlic bread and pull out two pieces, dropping them on my noodles. As I put the plate into the microwave and start it, the door to the front opens, and laughter drifts through, alerting both Marcy and me.
Devon steps over the threshold, pulling Kate behind him, their hands clasped. The sight squeezes my heart, but I clench my teeth, refusing to say anything. Instead, I turn my eyes to the light inside the microwave and watch as my plate spins, warming up. A gentle buzz emits from the microwave, and I can almost smell the food beginning to heat.
“Oh hey, Marcy, Gracie,” Devon greets, the chirpiness of moments before stalling slightly, but still sounding happy enough.
I ignore him even though Marcy greets him happily. She and Devon aren’t the best of friends, but they aren’t enemies either. They’ve always gotten along, but more of a brother and sister type of deal. I think in my absence over the years, their bond has thickened. I can’t blame them, but it just rubs me wrong sometimes. Not in a bad way, it’s just annoying. Maybe because it used to be cute, and I loved how when Devon and I had dated, he could get along so well with my best friend. Now, it was like he was stealing her from me. Even if I know that isn’t true.
The microwave beeps, yelling at me to retrieve my plate, and I do so. I pluck a fork out of the drawer beneath it and join Marcy at the table, sitting right across from her.
“So, guess what, Dev?” Marcy pipes up after a few bites. “Gracie has a date this Saturday.”
She’s deliberately bringing it up. There is no reason Devon has to be told, yet, Marcy is making damn sure he knows. I can’t help but look up right as she asks, my eyes zeroing in on Devon, whose jaw ticks, but he forces a smile on his face. Kate’s standing right next to him. She’s really pretty. Tanned skin, curves to die for. I want to look like her, but I can’t, and I don’t think I ever will.
“A date?” Kate asks when Devon doesn’t say a damn thing in response. She smiles at me, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s a sarcastic one or if she’s genuinely happy that I might stop pining for Devon. “That’s really great. Who is it? Do we know him?”
“He’s one of Landon’s friends,” I find myself saying, the words pooling from my mouth without me thinking much about it. “A blind date.”
My eyes flash to Devon, whose cheeks have now blotted red. He isn’t thrilled about the announcement, and happiness flutters through me. I don’t dare admit out loud how happy it makes me that he doesn’t like this idea. Why does that make me so fucking happy? I want to be petty and just go on this date to spite him, but that’s not right. I know that. I can’t string along a guy I don’t know all because of Devon and Owen. It isn’t fair to some other guy. But I’m still thrilled to know that Devon is rubbed the wrong way at my mere mention of going on a date.
Deciding to pretend I hadn’t seen a thing in Devon’s eyes, I turn back to Marcy. “So, what movie do you want to watch tonight?”
Ilean my head into my hand, staring at the door, willing it to open and bring in a pile of people. Today has been so fucking slow that I think I’m about to die from boredom. Is that even possible? At this point, I think so. I want it to get over and done with, so I can close the fucking diner and go do something else. Like watch tv or take a walk. Take a walk? Damn, I’ve gotten boring. I groan and drop my head, my forehead banging against the top of the counter. It thumps in my ears and shoots pain through my skull, but I ignore the feeling.
If I really want to take a walk just for something to do, then my life truly has derailed. This time six months ago, I was living high. Partying and just having a damn good time. Fucking assholes ruined that for me. Now I’m here, living in the apartment above the diner and working every day. I got suspended from college for that stupid stunt, and now I’ve got to wait to go back. In the meantime, I have to work to help pay back what I owe my grandfather from my college fund and the jail bail money.
All the while, my friends are still at school, having a grand ole’ time. Most even ignore my texts. Fuckers.
When the bell jingles, alerting me to a new customer, I look up happily. My face falls quickly, puffing my cheeks out as the regular little old lady shuffles in. I swear she has a crush on my grandfather, and it’s the only reason she bothers coming in. She always orders the same cup of black coffee and a plain bagel, no cream cheese. Nothing else, nothing more. She’s chattier when grandpa’s in.
She smiles at me, but her eyes scour behind me, obviously searching for my grandfather. I lean on the counter, folding my arms. “Grandpa’s running some errands, Matilda.”
She nods, her head bobbing as she hobbles to her favorite booth right next to the door. She faces it, as usual, and settles in by putting her coat and purse next to her on the booth. No matter what the weather is, she always carries a coat. Just to be on the safe side, that’s what she told me once. It’s on the safe side, and honestly, I think it’s really smart. Just in case the weather randomly changes because that isn’t unknown here in California. I fucking hate the weather here.
Making sure she’s comfortable, I turn and fumble around, switching on the coffee pot and getting a new pot going. As it begins to brew, I pull out my phone and open my text messages. Landon pops up as the first one. We were seniors when I moved to his town and started school with him. We’ve been friends since, and honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Landon’s a good guy, and I love his parents like I love my own. They’re good people and far more open-minded than mine. My parents will never accept that I like both guys and girls. They want me to finish college, settle with a girl, and give them grandbabies. That’s all they will accept. It’s frustrating when your parents want things you don’t. Honestly, they’re the only reason why I even started college. Getting kicked out isn’t exactly a damper for me, but since that had happened, they’ve been treating me like the scum of the earth. I know they’ll get over it eventually, but it still pisses me off that they just can’t be okay with my decisions in life.
Okay, so I get being pissed about me getting in trouble. But it wouldn’t have happened if they’d actually just fucking listened to me about not wanting to go in the first damn place. I’d only been there to please them; that was all.
I stare at the text message from Landon. A double date. Ablinddouble date. His girlfriend’s best friend. I wasn’t a fan of blind dating. I’d done it a couple of times before, and each time ended badly. The first chic was a non-shaver. It was gross. Hairy armpits and sasquatch legs. I try not to judge people when it comes to their own choices, but fuck, was it gross, and she smelled too, which didn’t help matters. The second one just wouldn’t shut up about her ex. Like, who the fuck agrees to a blind date and just talks about their ex they broke up with almostthree years previously.No wonder she was still single by the end of our date.
I really don’t want to go on a blind date, but I owe Landon. This is basically a payback, so I’ll deal with it. Maybe, if I’m lucky, this one will be good, and I can get a few more dates out of it. I can’t remember the last time I really dated a girl. College was fun with all the boobs and pussy galore, but they weren’t exactly in the dating mode then. They wanted fun, and I had fun, but that was it. Nothing long-term, and no ties were made. I want more. Something sweeter, long-lasting. If it’s a girl, I’m good with that. If it’s a guy, I’m good with that too. I just want to spend my life with. Somebody I can call my best friend, tell secrets to, and just build a life together. With or without kids, it wouldn’t matter. Though, I have always known for as long as I can remember that I want to be a dad. It’s just something in life I know I want, no matter what. I’ll be okay if my partner doesn’t want children, though. I can be a fur-baby dad if needed. Whatever works.
Pocketing my phone, I look up in time to see the dribble of the pot as it spews, a warning to let me know it’s done. I take the pot out, grab a mug with a few little creamers, and carry it out to Matilda, sitting it in front of her.
“You look deep in thought,” she points out, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she looks up at me with a knowing smile. “Anything special going on?”
I chuckle. Matilda is practically grandfather’s girlfriend at this point. She better be here when he returns. It's going to shift his entire day’s mood if he finds out he missed her. I’ve come to know her well, even if she doesn’t talk to me much.
“I just have a date tomorrow.” I shrug and pour her coffee, trying to keep my voice from tilting.
I don’t exactly know if I’m excited. Kind of. But I’m also nervous, I think. It’s a weird feeling. Every time I think about it or look at Landon’s text the way I have been since yesterday, I get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just can’t place.
“A date,” she coos. “Is she a lovely girl?”
It is a girl, by what Landon had said, so I’m sure of that part. I just don’t know anything else besides her being Landon’s girlfriend’s best friend. I don’t even really know his girlfriend. It wasn’t until he’d gotten home for summer break that I had learned he had one or that he’d even been seeing somebody. Landon was a football guy until this year, which was all he’d ever focused on. Then again, he’d been admitted to college on a full-ride college scholarship, just like his father had. He hadn’t wanted to fuck that up. I don’t know all the details regarding his relationship, but I hope that the chick doesn’t let him mess it up.