Page 45 of Until Her
On the car ride to school the next day, I explained what happened and she smiled and said it was alright that she understood.
I’m heading out to my car placing my football bag and change of clothes in my car. Henry walks up to me after parking the black sedan in my parents driveway in front of the front door.
“Kalum, I haven’t had the chance to tell Aura thank you. I was wondering when you see her if you could thank her for me.”
What does he want to thank her for? Henry isn’t allowed unless one of us gives him access to walk inside the house and Aura rides with me from school or hangs out with Exie.
Camila for the past two weeks has been getting groceries with Henry. She has mid-terms coming up and a project for school due.
My mother has excused her for the next three weeks and she has been up in her room. My feeling is that she is dreading turning eighteen tomorrow and she will be officially a hired member of the staff.
If my plan works out, all of that will change.
“What would I be thanking her for, Henry?” I ask as I stand a few feet away.
“Oh, the delicious chocolate triple layer cake she made the night your parents gave you a surprise birthday with all your friends. You were out late and Camila gave everyone a slice of the cake and some balloons to some of the staffs kids.” He wrinkles his forehead and my heart sinks. “I thought the balloons were a bit odd but the cake was decorated so beautifully. It has these little sparkling candles but I didn’t mind. The cake was superb. Honestly, the best cake I have ever tasted. It must have taken her quite some time. I heard she spent hours making it.”
“It was that good, huh.”
My heart drops and shame claws up my skin. What should I say? Throw up the cake. That was my cake and my balloons. It doesn’t take a genius to know it was my surprise cake and balloons with sparkling candles she made. She never said anything or got mad. She said she understood.
The next words put of his mouth makes me feel like the biggest piece of shit on earth solidifying the reason for her behavior. I royally screwed up.
“I was wondering the other day why she wanted to stop by and buy balloons and cake supplies. That girl is the sweetest thing on earth. She paid for all those items out of her own pocket money to make us all that splendid cake. There needs to be more people on this earth like her. Such a pleasure and it is a shame she lost her parents and has no one.”
That is the most I have ever heard Henry talk and it was about the girl I’m in love with. Aura must think I don’t love or care about her. She made me a surprise birthday cake with balloons.
No one has ever done that for me. My parents hire catering companies and chefs to make cakes and serve dinner at any event that she hosts at the house that includes birthday parties. My mother would chop her fingers off before making me a cake with her own hands. I wouldn’t be surprised she would even know how to make one.
“I will. I will tell her when I see her.”
If she will talk to me.
I ruined her surprise and I have a dreaded feeling I won’t ever get it back. The restaurant was posh and over the top just like my parents and my friends parents like to do. A normal setting like normal people doesn’t exist in their eyes. They even invited Sarah her parents, her friends, and their parents.
Cason was the only one at the table that could sense how upset I was. He was the only one that knew I didn’t want to be there. Even Lane, texted me well wishes and even told me tell Aura he said hi.
Like I said, Lane and I were boys. Even if we aren’t up each other's ass, we still keep in touch on birthdays and certain holidays. Guilt clawed my stomach when I saw it was close to midnight and my birthday was practically over.
I re-read my text to Aura and I felt like shit. I told her I wanted to spend it with her and it was the opposite of what I was doing. Sarah and her unwanted advances trying to get me to fuck her in the bathroom or her offer to give me a BJ in my car didn’t help my mood.
She was even more pissed when I told her I would never touch her again and to forget any idea she had of us getting back together. She asked me if it was because of Aura and I was honest and told her yes. She laughed and I told her to fuck off.
She said it would never happen Aura and me. My response was to her was that honestly it is a turn off to act desperate when a clearly isn’t interested. She left in a huff telling me I would be calling her. If she only knew, that was never gonna happen.
Henry smiles. “Thank you, Kalum.”
After the game, my goal is to fix the mess I made and hope she would forgive me. If I would have known, I would have made it back home. I didn’t think and I was more worried my parents finding out how I truly felt about Aura.
Parents with money are more powerful then what people think. They can disown you or make the other person suffer and I would die if that happened. No matter what, I would make sure Aura doesn’t suffer. I would protect her. She thinks she has no one but she has me and that will never change.
Chapter twenty-one
It is seven thirty and I’m in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. St. Claire want to have a word with me and I’m nervous. They probably got wind of Kalum and me. Maybe they want to send me away and the thought has me in a bundle of nerves.