Page 2 of The Blowout
“Let’s just say I had a run-in I wasn’t expecting.”
“Did someone hurt you? You just winced, Gill. Don’t lie to me anymore.”
“No one hurt me.” I open my mouth to contradict her, but she cuts me off. “No one hurt me, I promise. While I was running I hit my wrist against a brick wall and I fell.”
She doesn’t have to say that she was running away from something—or someone—for me to get her gist.
“Why in the world were you running? You know we don’t run,” I try to joke with her but it doesn’t work.
“It’s a long story, Kimmie. And I promise I’ll tell you all about it. But not right now.” She begins undoing her jacket and tosses it on the ground before turning back to me. “Right now,” she hedges, “we need to start getting you ready. And looky here! You’re already getting your hair done!”
“Gill,” I huff. “Are you sure this will work?”
“Without a doubt. I’ll tell you everything you need to know as we get you ready. Everything will be fine.”
Eyeing her suspiciously, I internally debate whether or not I should really go through with this. Gill sees my indecision and brings out the big guns. “Please, Kimmie. If I don’t—or you don’t—make an appearance tonight, I could lose my job. I would never ask this of you if it wasn’t really important. I just…” She sighs, looking utterly defeated. “I’m burnt out and need a night to myself. To rest and figure out what to do about all this,” she says, gesturing to her torn clothes and dirty face.
“Fine,” I say, not wanting to let her down when she truly does look utterly exhausted and worn out. “But I’m doing one lap of the space, standing at the back for that auction thingy you mentioned and then I’m gone. Got me?”
She nods, a smile twisting her lips. “Now, let’s get you ready.”
Minutes later, I’m squeezed into the dress Gillian was going to wear to the event and praying that a boob doesn’t pop out spontaneously. It’s a gorgeous dress. The deep indigo color makes my complexion look flawless. With the dress on and my makeup applied, I stare at myself in the mirror. I look good. But now it’s time to kick it into overdrive.
With precision, I slowly release the rollers in my hair, bottom to top. I look like a mad queen with the hair poof-ed and poking up in all directions. With a knowing smile, I flip my head over and shake the strands out. Coaxing them to release and expand in volume. In an arch of glorious brown hair, toss my hair back over and stand tall again.
“Holy moly,” Gillian gasps from the doorway. “Your hair. It lookssogood.” There’s awe in her voice.
“Thanks,” I reply as I begin spraying the strands into place. Teasing the hair where I need more height. “I put in a new—”
“No, Kim. Like, your hair looks spectacular. This blowout is a game changer. Whoa.”
Her words give me a confidence boost. Scanning my body over in the mirror, I do have to admit I look hot tonight. And my hair is on-point. But was there ever any doubt of that?
“Okay, how do I look? Good enough to pass for you?”
“Better than me, dummy. You look hot. I can’t get over your hair.”
Taking a deep breath, I nod. “Remember, I’m in and out. There’s no way I can pull this off for long.”
“Got it. Everything should go off without a hitch. Easy peasy, like I said.”
Spoiler alert: my sister is a liar.