Page 51 of Mafia Princess
“I never should have taken us to that wedding…”
I snorted and shook my head slightly at his words. “I’m at risk no matter where I am,” I reminded him. “Not only am I a Petrov, but now I’m a Blanchi.” It felt odd to say that out loud, but it was the truth.
Dom was quiet for a while, and I worried that maybe I had said something wrong.
“I’m going to up security,” he said.
“Can you spare the men?” It already seemed like there was a lot of security around the house. I had only seen three men, but I suspected that there were many more that I hadn’t been able to see, stationed out of sight.
“It’ll be fine,” Dom said.
“I just don’t want to leave you unguarded. I’ll be fine…”
Dom reached out and placed a finger across my lips. I tried my best not to react to the feeling of his skin on my own, but it was difficult. Every day, my feelings for Dom grew more and more complex.
“Don’t worry about me,” he whispered. “I’m going to make sure that we are both fine.”
I believed Dom.
Sitting there in the dark, I wondered what the future held for the two of us. We weren’t in love, but Dom didn’t feel like my enemy any longer. Being shot had changed things, for the both of us.
I sighed deeply and slid further down into the bed. Before I could think too much about it, I reached out and wrapped my hand about Dom’s. I wanted to feel close to him, and I didn’t want to examine my feelings too much further.
“Get some sleep,” Dom said.
I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. There was nothing more for us to say to one another, at least for now.
* * *
There was a heavy pain across my abdomen, and as I woke up, I couldn’t help but groan. The room was still dark, but the fire in my stomach was spreading.
Looking down, I realized that the culprit was Dom’s arm. At some point, we had shifted in the middle of the night, and I was laying on my side with my butt snuggled up against him. This position was bad enough considering my stitches, but Dom’s protective arm was irritating the skin.
Reaching out, I tried to move Dom’s arm away from my stitches, but it was like trying to move a piece of marble.
“Shit,” I muttered. My position had ripped one of my stitches, which was where the intense pain in my abdomen came from. I tried my best to slip away from Dom, but I still had limited mobility.
“Sasha?” Dom questioned. His voice was heavy with sleep, and I could tell that he wasn’t fully himself, especially as he pulled me closer to this groin. I blushed as I felt his hardness against my backside.
“I’m bleeding,” I said. My mind was whirling as I felt him against me, but I couldn’t ignore the pain and the blood.
Those words penetrated, and Dom was on his feet in an instance. “What happened?” he asked. He had a gun in his hand and was scanning the room for any danger. I knew I shouldn’t be surprised, Dom was likely always ready for danger. But seeing the gun in his hand still made me filled with fear. It reminded me of the pain of the bullet slicing through me.
“There’s no one here,” I said. I struggled to sit up. “I think I just pulled a stitch.” I gestured to my stomach where blood was spreading across my nightgown.
“Shit,” Dom muttered. He dropped the gun on his bedside table before rushing towards me. He was on his knees on my side of the bed before I could even blink.
“It’s fine,” I said, even though things didn’t necessarily feel fine. “I think I just pulled a stitch. The doctor said this might happen.”
Dom wasn’t even paying attention to what I was saying. Dom quickly lifted the hem of my nightshirt to examine the dressing on my wounds.
“I’ve got a doctor on call,” Dom said. “I’ll have him come to check you out.”
“It’s fine,” I said, placing my hand on top of his. “The doctor said not to worry about it unless the bleeding continues. I just need to redress it.”
Dom looked like he wanted to argue.
“It’s two in the morning,” I said, looking over at the clock on the bedside table. “I’m tired, and I just want to go back to bed.”