Page 73 of Mafia Princess
By the time we got to the Petrov’s home, it was nearly midnight. I was surprised that they had let us in, but I wasn’t going to question it. I had told myself that I would shoot my way into the house if I needed to. Marco hadn’t been too happy about that plan, but I was determined to confront the person I was sure was playing every single one of us against each other.
“I wanted to speak with your wife,” I said.
Isaac raised a brow, clearly confused. “She’s sleeping,” he told me.
“I’m up,” Katarina said as she entered the room. Marco and I shared a look between the two of us. Neither had heard Katarina walking into the room.
Isaac too looked surprised to see her wife, especially since she was fully dressed while he was in a robe. I knew that their marriage was one of convenience, but I hadn’t realized that they didn’t sleep in the same room together. It was clear that was the case.
“Is everything alright? Is Sasha okay?”
It didn’t escape me that Isaac always asked about Sasha. He’d been willing to cede territory to me, precious docks, to ensure her safety. Katarina was the opposite. She’d played the role of concerned mother at the hospital, but it had been difficult for her to keep it up.
Now, she wasn’t even bothering.
“Sasha’s missing,” I said. I felt my panic rising, but I reminded myself that I was likely with someone in this room. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was in the house.
“How could she be missing?” Isaac howled.
“You tell me.”
He slammed his hands down on the table. “Why the hell would I kidnap my own daughter.”
“I didn’t say it was you,” I told him before I turned my attention to Katarina. “We’ve been sitting around looking for ways to kill one another when you’ve been picking us off one-by-one this whole time.” I shook my head as I thought about it. I had started to suspect Katarina at the hospital, especially when Sasha told me more about her mother.
I couldn’t imagine that a proud woman like Katarina would be happy that she was expected to be subservient to a man, especially one who usurped her. I hadn’t been sure, so I’d hired someone to poke around. I didn’t want the Blanchi name attached to anything, which is why I kept Marco out of it.
Katarina’s face didn’t change. She didn’t appear scared or concerned about the information I was hinting at.
But Isaac looked concerned.
“Katarina, if you know something…” Isaac’s voice was stern. I wondered if he expected her to cower in front of him, but he was going to be sorely mistaken. Katarina didn’t appear concerned at all. In fact, there was a little bit of smugness on her face.
“I don’t know what he is implying,” she said.
I snorted. I was trying to keep calm, but in the back of my mind, I couldn’t forget that Sasha was somewhere, and I knew that she hadn’t gone there of her own accord. I also knew that Katarina didn’t seem to care so much about her daughter, so if Isaac didn’t know where she was…
“I’m implying that you’ve been the one making the hits against both sides,” I said.
Isaac’s eyes widened.
“You thought we were the ones targeting your men,” Marco said. He was starting to put together what I had told him in the car about Katarina.
“How do you know about that?”
“You didn’t think we were the ones behind it?” Marco asked.
Isaac looked at Marco as if he had grown a second head. “Of course, I thought it was you, but I needed proof. I couldn’t push Sasha away even further if I were to retaliate. Whatever you think of me, I would never put my daughter in danger.”
I was frustrated. I didn’t care who was doing what. I needed to know where Sasha was, and what had happened to her. With every minute that passed, I knew that I was getting further and further away from Sasha.
“Where is she?” I asked, turning my attention to Katarina. I was sure that she was enjoying all the discord that she had sowed. I just didn’t understand why she would bring Sasha into it. Did she envision her only remaining child to be the one who would carry the mantle of the Bratva?
“Why are you so certain that Sasha didn’t just leave you? After all, we’ve heard that you threatened death upon all of the Bratva for what happened to your warehouse,” she said. “Sasha didn’t want to marry you. She cried and begged us to call off the wedding until the moment you took her as your wife.”
I gnashed my teeth together. “Sasha wouldn’t have left without saying something to me.”
“You two haven’t been sleeping in the same room together,” Katarina snapped back. “I don’t think that things are as stable as you think.”