Page 52 of Mafia Prince
Chapter Twenty
Marco had left in the morning before I woke up. I was grateful that we hadn’t had to do the awkward morning after routing. Honestly, I don’t know what I would have done or said. Last night, I’d allowed myself to have sex with him, against my better judgement, and it had been the bext sex I’d ever had in my entire life.
Sighing, I slid down into the bed a little further. It was ten in the morning, and I hadn’t gotten out of bed yet. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been allowed to lay in bed so late in the morning.
But I had no idea what to do. Marco hadn’t left any sort of instructions for me. He hadn’t even woke me up before he left, and I had no idea what to do with myself.
Reaching out, I grabbed my cell phone, hoping to discover a text message or something, but it was blank.
“Ugh,” I moaned out, kicking off the blankets. Last night, I’d considered that I might wake up sore after what we had done the night before, but each one of my limbs was soft and pliant. Marco had been a combination of gentle and rough. None of my ex boyfriends had ever given me an orgasm, and I’d had two with Marco.
My cheeks heated as I remembered the things he’d done to me. The thought of his tongue and cock inside of me made me shiver, and I hated that I couldn’t wait for the next time. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this situation. Today was the first day I’d been alone long enough to consider what I’d gotten myself into.
Marco hadn’t done anything to me since that first night we’d officially met, but I couldn’t ignore the danger that he presented to me. He might be great with his tongue and cock, and he may have provided a credit card to take care of me, but he was still a murderer.
“Plus, his brother is a dick,” I muttered as I got dressed.
Marco was out, which meant that this was the perfect time to explore my new home.
Before I could start looking around, I heard the doorbell ring, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I looked around the hallway as if someone was going to magically appear to tell me what I should do.
Though this was now technically my house, and I didn’t know if I should open the door. A few moments later the doorbell rang again, and once more, I felt myself jump as the sound reverberated around the empty house.
“Coming,” I muttered as I pulled my sweatshirt on and rushed down the stairs. I was glad that I knew were the door was because I didn’t know anything else.
As I grabbed the handle, I felt myself freezing slightly. The last time I had encountered someone at the door, it had been the Russians and then, it had been Marco. Both encounters had ended in life-changing events.
The bell rang again, and I shook the fear off. Whoever was at the door wasn’t going away.
I held my breath as I pulled the door open. “Sasha!” Standing before me was Sasha Blanchi, my soon to be sister-in-law, and I was so shocked to see her that I was sure that a light wind could have knocked me over.
“Did I wake you?” Sasha’s eyes looked me up and down, and I felt instantly uncomfortable.
I shook my head. “No,” I said.
As I looked at her designer dress and heals, and the fact that her blonde hair was perfectly blown out, I wished I’d lied. Sasha Blanchi and I couldn’t look more different if we tried.
“Can I come in?” Today, she was much more subdued than she had been last night, and I was grateful for it. I didn’t think I could even pretend to match her level of energy.
I moved away from the door. “I’m sorry.” I welcomed Sasha inside of the house. It felt odd to be welcoming Sasha inside a house that didn’t feel like my own. She probably had more of a claim on this space than I did. “What brings you by?”
The question sounded silly in my head, but I was genuinely curious. “Marco’s at work if you are looking for him.” I paused for a minute. “Actually, I’m assuming he’s at work. I don’t actually know where he is.”
This made Sasha giggle. “He’s at work.”
It made me a tad upset that she knew more about where my fiancé was than I did. Though I didn’t expect proclamations of love from Marco, it would have been nice for him to let me know what he was doing during the day.
“I came by to see you,” Sasha said, interrupting my train of thought.
I pressed a hand to my chest. “Me?”
She nodded, and that thousand watt smile was back on her mouth. I wondered if she ever got tired of being so happy. “Yes, you. I was wondering if you would want to go shopping?”
My cheeks immediately reddened, but this time, with embarrassment. Sasha looked like she’d stepped off a Milan runway. Even pregnant, she was swathed in a wardrobe that probably cost as much as six months’ worth of of Mikey’s treatments. Though Marco left me an emergency credit card, I was pretty sure that shopping at Chanel was not something he considered an emergency.
“Marco called me this morning, and suggested that we go look at wedding dresses,” Sasha’s voice was slightly less bright, and I immediately knew that she wasn’t so keen on the idea of our wedding, which was surprising considering she was married to the man that orchestrated it. “I told him that you would probably want your mother there, and maybe, a friend of two, but I wanted to offer. It’s been forever since I’ve had a girls day.”
There was a pinch of sadness in Sasha’s voice, and the sound of it made her infinitely more relatable.So Sasha Blanchi isn’t as happy as she pretends to be.I filed that thought away for later.