Page 55 of Mafia Maiden
I shrugged sheepishly. “I might have also spiked the coffee cups of our guards with a minor dose of sleeping aide.”
Natasha’s eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of her head.
“Before you lecture me, I had to do this.”
Natasha’s mouth dropped open. “What do you mean?”
I was surprised that Natasha was even listening to me. Normally, she would be freaking out right now, so I was surprised by the way in which she was sitting there and staring at me calmly, which was much more than I expected from her.
I handed her the postcard. “I found this in Leo’s house.”
Natasha took the postcard from me and looked at it, turning it over in her hands. Her brow rose as she glanced at it. “Okay…”
“It’s a postcard.”
Natasha looked at me as though I had suddenly grown a second head. “It’s from a woman,” I told her. I pointed at the words. “And it seems like she is expecting to meet him somewhere.”
Natasha bit her lip, and she examined the postcard closely. “There’s no name on it,” she said. “How do you know that this is even from a woman?”
I hit the postcard with the tip of my acrylic. “Look,” I pointed. “The letters are curly. This is not the handwriting of another man, and I think that the fact that there is not a name because obviously Leo knows whoever this is well enough to either be expecting this postcard or to recognize this handwriting.”
Natasha placed the card on the seat between the two of us. “You think that the two of them are going to meet here? At Harvard?”
I shook my head. “No,” I told her. “I don’t know where they are meeting, and I don’t really care. Leo is the type of person who would make sure to lose any tail before he meets whoever this is. I don’t think that the two of them are stupid enough to do this under my nose.”
Natasha took a deep breath, and I knew that she thought that I was completely insane, but I didn’t care. I needed Natasha to be on my side because no one else seemed to be, and I knew that was something else going on here, and my gut told me it had to do with Madeline, and whoever wrote this postcard.
“I don’t understand why we are here.”
“Isaac Petrov told me that his brother had a serious girlfriend years ago, while he was here.”
Natasha nodded. “Leo also dated a Bratva girl. Why don’t you think that it’s her?”
I considered not telling Natasha about Andrea. It was probably the better move. Even if I could trust my cousin, which I knew I could, this was a lot. The Blanchis were responsible for her mother’s death, and they were the enemies of our family.
The fact that I had even considered working with them, and I more than considered it, I was prepared to do whatever I could to get rid of Leo, was enough to get me thrown in the Hudson. My father might be the Pakhan, but even that would not save me.
This was what Leo was afraid of.
The Bratva had done too much to too many people that to work with them would be seen as a major betrayal.
But I needed Natasha to understand why we were here, and as I prepared to tell her the truth, I prayed that she would not betray me.
“Andrea Blanchi paid me a visit.”
Natasha’s face went white, and she immediately gripped my forearms. I could feel her nails digging into my skin.
“Ouch.” I tried to pull her nails out of my arm, but her grip was tight, and I could not untangle myself from her without ripping out my skin. “Jesus, Natasha.”
But my cousin was not going to release me until I told her the rest of what was going on.
“Are you alright?” she asked. “Did he threaten you?”
I shook my head. My heart was slamming against my chest as I prayed that Natasha would understand why I had entertained Andrea Blanchi.
“He wanted to help me get rid of Leo.”
Natasha let go of my arm, and it dropped like a bag of potatoes. It hit the leather, and I knew that this was going to be the make or break it.