Page 67 of Mafia Maiden
“I didn’t know Maddy while I was at school. At least, I didn’t for most of the time I was there. It wasn’t until my senior year that we met one another.”
Leo was giving information so much more freely than I thought he would, and a part of me was stunned into silence. I so desperately wanted to know more about this girl. She was the missing part of this puzzle. Why had this Blanchi girl been able to go to Harvard, and if she was able to go, why would she be with a member of the Bratva? Why would Leo want to be with her? Why had she faked her death?
There were so many questions that I felt as though my head were going to spin off at any moment.
“And the two of you started dating?” I asked.
Leo’s brow rose. “What?” he asked. There was an odd look on his face.
“You were dating. Isaac told me as much. He said that you had a girlfriend. Andrea said the same thing. I mean he also said that you murdered her, or at least, that you were responsible for her death, so maybe, he is not the best source of things.”
Leo inhaled deeply. I suspected that he was trying to calm himself. Once more, his hands were balled into fists, and the expression on his face was blank and controlled. “Isaac is a nuisance, and Andrea is even worse.”
“I guess they are both the younger brothers,” I said, with a shrug.
“Maddy and I weren’t in a relationship,” he said. “Harvard is a big place, and I didn’t even know here until she was a junior, and even then, we weren’t really friends.”
Leo was not looking at me, which made me nervous. He was not the type who normally was so easy to read, which made me slightly nervous.
“Then, why did you decide to help her?” I asked. Natasha and I both thought that Leo was the father of Maddy’s child, but now, I was wondering if that was the case. My head was spinning as I tried to think through all of this and as I tried to connect it back to my father.
Leo reached out and took my hands. The warmth of his skin jolted me slightly, and I felt myself jump at his touch. “What I am going to tell you next is going to be difficult for you to hear,” he said, his voice soft.
I bit my bottom lip so hard that I could taste blood in my mouth. I wanted to scream out for him to just tell me already. Rip the band-aide off. After all, it could not be that bad. I did not even know Maddy Stephens existed until a few days ago. Yet, something about the look on Leo’s face, and the sympathy in his eyes made me nervous.
“Your mother came to me. She wanted me to help Maddy because she’s your sister.”