Page 72 of Mafia Maiden
“I have a headache,” I muttered as I walked out of the room. The very last thing I wanted to deal with was Maddy, but I had a feeling that things were not going to be that easy.
“You don’t have to meet her if you don’t want to,” Leo said, trailing after me. “I already told her that you probably wouldn’t be up to it.”
I grunted as I sat on the edge of the bed.
Leo hovered over me. I looked up at him, noticing that the small wrinkle between his brows had grown deeper over the last few minutes. He was concerned. Was it about me? Maddy? Some combination of the two?
“Whatever it is that you want to say to me. Just say it.”
Leo’s discomfort was subtle, but it was there in the way he barely met my eyes, and how he shifted his weight slightly from side-to-side. I suspected he thought I should meet with Maddy.
“She’s only in town for the day,” he said. “She needs to pick up something…” He tailed off, probably not wanting to give too much of my sister’s secrets away. “Normally, she comes directly here. My place is screened regularly, and there’s a side entrance that she sneaks through. Since you’re here, I’ll need to meet her elsewhere.”
Leo’s hero complex bothered me. Heroes often died, and though I might have wanted that previously, right now, Leo felt like the only person who understood me.
Outside of Natasha. Jesus, my cousin was going to shit a brick when I told her what I had learned. Could I even tell her? After all, Maddy was supposed to be in in hiding. Natasha already knew that she was not dead, but she did not know everything else, and I probably was not supposed to say anything to her.
“Why does she even want to meet me?” I asked, again. “Isn’t it kind of risky for her?”
Leo looked at me, and once more, I noticed a sadness in his eyes, and I hated it. I wanted anything but his pity. “You’re her sister,” he said, as though it explained everything.
“Tell her I want to meet,” I said before I could stop myself.
“Are you sure?”
I nodded. There was a feeling of dread that came over me as I thought about Maddy. “My mother isn’t coming, is she?” I did not know what happened to my mother in all of this, and while I might be okay with meeting my sister, I was not ready to confront my mother.
The wound had only had a scab over it, and it had been picked apart when I learned that she abandoned me to take care of another child.
Leo shook his head. “I don’t know where your mother is,” he said, surprising me. “Maddy doesn’t know where she is either.”
That was new information, but I would tuck it away for later. Instead, I needed to focus on Maddy. This might not be the only chance I ever had to meet her, and if that was the case, I was going to make the most of it.
“Tell Maddy that I want to meet,” I said, my voice sounding a lot stronger than I felt.