Page 34 of Betrayed
Greer was in a hazy fog of beautiful feelings he’d never experienced as he walked on shaky legs from Emery’s bedroom doorway across the main area and into his master bedroom.
He’d kissed her. He’dreallykissed her. And she’d kissed him back. She’d clung to him and kissed him as if he were her missing piece.
Emery Reeder was the most intriguing, innocent, and wonderful woman in the world. Greer absolutely loved his mom, aunt, sister, and female cousins. They were the only women he could think of that came close to as incredible as Emery.
He walked into his bathroom, splashed water on his face, and brushed his teeth. His mind was on a constant repeat of those insanely wonderful kisses. He wanted to spout out poetry or something. He wanted to sing her his favorite country songs. She’d teased him about country music, but she hadn’t complained when it had played on the radio.
Ah, Emery.
He changed into a T-shirt and shorts and paced his master suite. He had so much extra energy he wanted to go free climb up a cliff.
He wanted to kiss her again and then say her real name. He’d hoped these past eight days that she would confide in him why she’d come, why she’d made up a cover story, who had given her information and paid her, and then he could tell her his side of the story with Travis. He ached to beg her to forgive him and hoped they could then start the path to healing together.
It still hurt him, deep in his soul, that he’d taken Travis’s life. At the same time, he knew Papa and everyone else was right and he’d had to do it to protect Alivia and Klein.
Maybe the good Lord had orchestrated all of this like he’d felt so deeply the day Emery had first walked out of those trees. Maybe even the tragedy of Travis becoming a mercenary and his death could somehow come full circle and turn to something good.
Emery had come to him. She was better than good. She was incredible.
He’d gotten into the habit each night of not falling asleep until after Emery had the nightmare. She usually had it pretty early, around eleven. So intriguing, but sometimes disturbing, how the subconscious mind worked. He wished he could help her stop having the nightmare. Usually he held her after waking her up, but she always backed away. It must’ve been because the nightmare reminded her of Travis. That was okay. He’d keep holding her and helping her and showing her love until they both healed.
His phone beeped a text. Papa. His eyes widened. Papa had cameras in the main area. He knew his grandpa wouldn’t be creepily watching them, but he might’ve glanced at the cameras and seen how close they were getting. What if he’d glimpsed that kiss? Greer’s neck heated.
Can you call me?
Greer pushed out a breath, brushed his hand through his hair, and hit the button to call him. He hated talking on the phone worse than he hated talking in person. He hurried into his master bath and shut the door to muffle the sound if Emery was still awake.
“You all right?” Papa asked.
“Why?” Greer was surprised how demanding his voice came out.
“Just checking in, as you’ve sent no updates.” Papa wasn’t surprised by that, obviously. “Has she revealed anything about who hired Travis or who told her to come find you?”
Greer let out a breath. Papa hadn’t seen him kiss Emery. He was relieved. But why should he care if Papa had? There was no way Greer could resist someone as perfect for him as Emery, and he’d defend her to anyone. She’d been through something horrific. He didn’t know why she’d come to him. He didn’t care. She was here and he could easily go all caveman and declare she was his to love and protect. If she wanted that, he would do it. He’d even thump his chest and tell everyone his name was now Maverick.
“No,” he said.
“Okay.” Papa sounded disappointed. “Nothing on our end either. Thanks for asking.”
Greer grunted.
“It’s so quiet it worries me. The only good news about that is whoever is after the secret isn’t sharing it with the masses. I keep thinking whoever hired Travis, Colby, and Flynn must’ve hired Emery as well. When is she going to make her move? What if she tries to hurt you? Has she tried to ferret the secret out of you?”
“No.” He was again far too forceful. It was a no to all of it. Emery wouldn’t hurt him. She wouldn’t hurt his family. She was incredible, beautiful, smart, funny, and absolutely perfect to him, and possibly perfect for him. If they could somehow overcome the obstacle of him having shot her brother.
“Okay. I guess we just have to be patient. You’re better at that than I am. I hate waiting.”
Greer managed a chuckle, but he was all stirred up. How could he explain to Papa how great Emery was? He might have to force out the words.
“Unless you’re sick of having this house guest. I know how you like your privacy. I can come pull her out of there, question her, and get to the bottom of it.” Papa sounded like he wouldn’t mind doing that. He was obviously getting annoyed with the unknown danger.
“No,” Greer said again. He swallowed and admitted, “I like her.”
There was silence on the line. “What? You like her? Travis Reeder’s sister? Youlikeher?”